You Were Good But Not Good Enough

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"A-Angus!" I yelled, out of breath in the hallway and excited to see my boyfriend.

I saw him in the hallway talking to Grayson and totally ignoring my existence. "Angus? It's me." I said, waving a hand in front of his hand. He swatted my hand away and just simply walked the other way.

Like I didn't even exist.

I sighed and headed off to class. It was only yesterday I told my family that Angus was my boyfriend...was it possible that was the reason he was ignoring me all of the sudden?

Was he cheating on me? And didn't want to tell me? Because in all honesty, if he was cheating on me, I would want him to tell me. Because I know how it feels to get my heart broken. And even though it hurts to go through that feeling again, I would much rather know now and get it over with.

"Cat?" I heard. I turned around and it was Ebony and Vera. The other cute couple of our friend group. And seeing them together, honestly, it just hurt more.

"Cat, why aren't you with your boyfriend over there?" Vera asked, dropping Ebony's hand and pointing to Angus.

"He doesn't seem to know I exist today." I said. Ebony sighed and said, "I think he's just dating you for the popularity, in all honesty."

"Ebony Sears. I am not in any way, shape, or form remotely popular. I'm the least popular geek in New York City." I said.

"No, silly. Your mom." Ebony said. "I hate to say it, but I think he's trying to move his way up on the social ladder. And becoming friends with and then dating the daughter of a Broadway star is, in his book, the perfect way to do it."

"So you're saying that he's only dating me because of who my mom is?" I asked. Ebony nodded and so did Vera.

"That's exactly what I was worried about." I said, running off to the band room. But then I realized, Angus plays guitar in the band. I did not want to face him.

Unlike Violet, who teased me relentlessly, Angus didn't really do anything wrong. And if I told him I wanted him out of the room, I would be called a tattletale. And more teasing is something I did not need right now. 

I sat in the saxophone section of the band room and tried one more time to wave to Angus. He looked the other way and picked up his guitar. I adjusted the neck strap on my sax and then the band director clapped his hands. 

We all looked up at him and he said, "Alright! I see some congratulations are in order!" 

"What? To who?" Vera asked, emptying the spit that was inside her trombone. 

"Catlynn McLemore is Jackson's first saxophone player in 5 years. And also, she auditioned for a high school music festival, and made it, as the youngest ever participant." the band director said. Everyone applauded, and then it hit me.

I had totally forgot about that music festival. 

"Yay Cat!" Ebony said happily. I smiled shyly, I was not expecting people to praise me today. I looked at Angus, and he wasn't even applauding. I thought he would at least be happy for me.

"Cat...this is going to get you a leg up on the social ladder, you know that, right? Here at Jackson, it's the smart kids that get all the popularity, not the pretty ones. You're one of the cool kids now." Ebony said, laughing. "I'm still considered a loner."

"Nah. I don't want to be cool." I said. "Even though it would be nice to have actual friends and have people not mock me, I think life is better when you have a few good friends, not the entire school worshipping the ground you walk on." I pushed my hair behind my shoulder and laughed.

Then it hit me. My hair had grown out. It was almost as long as it was this summer. Not quite as long, but close. 

And the funny thing was, I didn't feel the urge to cut it short again. I was happy with my long hair. 

"Come on. Angus obviously does not seem to care, so let's go." Vera whispered to me. Vera grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the band room. 

I hopelessly waved once more to Angus and he ignored me, yet again. 

That's when I couldn't help but think, was Ebony right?

Did Angus only like me because of who my mom was?

AN: Angus/Cat drama! I didn't exactly make him "hurt" Cat, so please don't get mad at me. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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