In These Lights, Can You Feel Our Pain?

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It was the first day of school after winter break. Happy 2015! New Year's Eve was good, I finally got my Christmas presents from the rest of my family.

"So...Violet Gardner got expelled! Civics is gonna be a lot more bearable." Red said, laughing. I nervously laughed. I shifted awkwardly on my feet and sighed. Even though Violet was expelled, something bad would still happen to me with my rotten luck.

"Is something wrong, Cat?" Cesca asked. I shook my head, which was a total lie. I was a little scared to walk home from school today, no one was available to pick me up today. I was scared my dad would come back. Or take me back.

I shook off the fear for now, and headed to Civics.

"Oh, look, it's Catherine!" a girl said as I walked in. I was expecting them to just simply laugh at me, in which case I would just ignore it, but no.

They didn't seem in the mood to tease me. They seemed mad. Like they wanted revenge.

They were gonna hurt me somehow. I felt my heart beating louder and faster, and then felt the need to run.

"Don't hurt me!" I yelled as loud as I could. There wasn't any teacher in the room yet, so I was doomed.

"Catherine Reeve. Sweet innocent Catherine." the girl said. She dragged me by the arm out of the classroom and I yelped.

"Remember this place?" the girl said, opening the door of the basement. I trembled in fear. Not the basement...

The girl pushed me down the stairs, me clutching my phone for dear life. I was scared to death, this is the second time this happened this school year.

I sat up in the dark basement and started to cry. I didn't know what to do. Everyone in my family was busy, and I was alone.

I texted every single one of them the exact same thing.

Cat: A flute player locked me in the basement again. I'm not joking. Can you call me? ~Sunshine

I sighed, waiting for someone to text back. I put my hand on my phone to see if it had vibrated.

It didn't. Everyone ignored me. Which was my biggest fear.


Twenty minutes later, Civics was over. I was terrified, no one had noticed or had even come to get me. And no one in my family had texted back yet.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly picked it up, getting some hope back.

Barrett: Holy crap, Cat. Are you still in there?
Cat: Yeah. I've been in here for a half hour already.
Barrett: Geez. Hang on, I'm calling you.

Five seconds later, my phone vibrated. It was Barrett.

"Hey, kiddo. What happened?" she asked when I answered the phone.

"A flute player wanted revenge on ME for getting Violet expelled, so she locked me in the basement. Again." I said, about to start sobbing my eyes out.

"Hey, Cat, don't cry. It's okay. Why don't I pick you up and take you back to your apartment?" Barrett asked. I let out a soft "Please..." and I heard Barrett sigh heavily. Then she hung up.

I assumed she was coming and taking me home, so I tried to force the door of the basement open any way I could. I tried pushing on the door with all my might, but that didn't work. It was too heavy for my weak little body to handle. And my leg hurt from the fall.

I took a deep breath and threw myself against the door and pushed on it. The door was locked from the outside, so I couldn't pick the lock.

I sighed, out of breath and in pain. I started to cry, where was Barrett? Maybe she was just stuck in traffic?

I needed to stop trying to force this door open. I needed to rest my ankle.

But it couldn't hurt to try just one more time...

I stepped back and ran towards the door and tried to force it open. Then, I felt a shooting pain go up my leg and I fell. Hard.

"Ow!" I yelled to myself. "Ow, ow, ow!"

"Cat?" I heard. The door was open and Barrett was standing there. "Cat, are you okay?"

"No...I did something bad to my ankle..." I managed to say without screaming in pain. Barrett gasped and scooped me up. I was trying not to cry.

"Okay, Cat, let me call your mom and Jessica." Barrett said once she laid me down in the backseat of her car.

"We can just go home, right?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Cat. We're gonna have to go to the hospital." Barrett said sadly.

"No!" I yelled.

AN: I told you I was gonna be evil. And a cliffhanger too. Muahahaha. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

Adopted by Heathers CastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora