I smiled, and said, "Awesome." Jess and Cat night made me feel happy. At least that was something to look forward to.

"I'm getting another call." I said. "It's Elle. I'll talk to you when I get home."

"Alright, Cat. Love you."

"Love you too." I said before answering Elle's call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Sunshine, I'm here. Grab your stuff from the band room." I sighed, and said, "Okay." Then Elle hung up and I went back down to the band room.

"Hey, look, it's the girl who's crying over a celebrity she doesn't even know." Violet said. Her flute friends laughed.

Finally, Cesca stormed down from the trumpet section, and said, "Violet! What the heck? Cat's not lying, Jessica is really her aunt. And I find it so rude that you would laugh at something like that without getting your facts straight! Catlynn's been afraid to sleep because of it! Can you imagine not being able to sleep because you're worried one of your family members is going to die when you're not looking? Because that's exactly what Catlynn's going through. So I would recommend that you shut up because I am not playing around!"

Violet looked at Cesca and said, "Is that a threat?" Cesca crossed her arms and said nothing, then Violet said, "Do you think I would believe that a new girl has a celebrity for an aunt? It's obvious this girl wants attention. You're pathetic, sweetie."

I grabbed my saxophone and my backpack and practically bolted down to the front office and saw Elle standing there. I dropped my saxophone and ran into her arms, crying.

"Let's go home." Elle said. She held my hand the entire way to the car. When we got in, Elle said, "Was it really that bad?" I nodded my head, and said, "I don't want to switch schools again. I have friends here. It's just that Violet hurt my feelings." Elle kissed my hand, and said, "Oh, Sunshine...let's go home. Do you have any other schoolwork to do?"

I nodded, and said, "Tons."


I ran to my room as soon as I got home, not even saying hi to Jessica. I sat on the bed and cried, until I heard a knock on the door.

"Cat? It's Ryan. Can I come in?" I said, "Yeah." and Ryan opened the door. He hugged me, and said, "I heard what happened. Are you okay?" I started sobbing, and said, "I hate myself." Ryan hugged me tighter and kissed me on the head. "Hey. Don't say that. I know these past few weeks have been really hard, and I know you think it's all your fault. It's not."

"Then whose fault is it?"

"Not yours. That's all. Anyway, I have something that will cheer you up."

"Nothing can cheer me up. I've hit my breaking point." I said.

"Will sushi with me and Evan help? And Monopoly championships with Jess when we get home?"

I half-smiled, and Ryan said, "There's that smile I missed so much." He hugged me, and said, "Come on. Evan and Jess want to talk to you."

I went out to the living room, and Evan waved to me and hugged me. "Who hurt my little sister?" he asked.

"Violet Gardner." I said. "Flute player, total jerk." I sat on the sofa bed where Jessica was watching TV and eating potato chips. "Come here." she said. I sighed and fell into her, and she started stroking my hair.

"You want to go out with Ryan and Evan?" Jessica asked.

"I want to stay home." I said. "Can we do something fun? I need a distraction."

"Speaking of distractions, aren't you doing ballet?" Elle asked.

"That's right! Crap, Nutcracker auditions are next week! Does anyone mind doing a ballet routine with me tomorrow for practice?" I asked. Evan and Elle both raised their hands.

"Enough with ballet. Let's play Monopoly." Evan got the game out and took all the money out of it. "I win!" he said.

"Ha, you wish." I said, and started fighting him for it.

"Ah, brother and sister." Elle said. "Watch out, Elle, I am the champion." I said.

"Note to self, never play board games with Cat. She'll murder you." Ryan said.

"Says the guy who played a murderer in a musical." I said, and Ryan slapped me.

"Let's just play the game. Poor Sunshine needs a distraction." Elle said.

We all laughed and started playing.

AN: Yes, everyone, another character for you to hate. And yes, another chapter about poor baby Catlynn not getting over the crash. SHE NEVER WILL. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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