20| The Zach Disease

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CLAY: What's your favorite color?

TYLER: wow, you're really asking the deep questions here. idk if i can answer that without compromising my deepest and darkest secrets

CLAY: Your sarcasm makes me laugh, which is BAD because I am in a meeting!

TYLER: bad boy, texting me during a meeting?

TYLER: i KNOW that made you blush

CLAY: Stoppp

CLAY: Seriously, what's your favorite color? And Alex's too!

TYLER: erm, mine's like... idk red? and alex's is probably like purple or something. who knows?



CLAY: I'm just thinking up a color scheme for your birthday party. I think it should reflect your personalities, and the colors that match.

TYLER: what color do you think my personality is?"

CLAY: If I told you, you'd tell me I was wrong

TYLER: tell me

The treadmill slowed to a stop, ending my workout. I stepped off and stretched my legs out quickly before heading out of the weight room and towards the locker room. I knew I couldn't shower because I hadn't checked to see if Zach and his teammates were still working out or not, but there was no way I'd be able to shower knowing that Zach was even on the same grounds as me. I just needed to get my sweatshirt on and grab my duffle bag, then head back to Atlanta.

My phone buzzed as I walked through the hallway.

CLAY: Orange, because you're charming, quick-witted, and super fun. I think people are drawn to you, and you're good with people even if you don't realize it.

I smiled, and internally, I bursted with warmth. Or maybe that was just the warmth from my workout.

Nah. I smiled because of Clay's text, and the fact that he thought those things about me. He had taken the time to think about what fucking color I was, and for some reason, that made me want to see him even more.

TYLER: and by orange you really mean... lemon. right?

CLAY: Don't make me laugh!

CLAY: And I mean ORANGE.

I laughed and slipped my phone in my pocket as I walked into the locker room. I headed to my usual locker and quickly slipped on my sweatshirt, then grabbed my duffle bag and turned to leave. Unfortunately, as I turned around, Zach was standing right fucking there. Like a big fucking road block that I would have rather avoided at all costs.

I had heard the showers running, and they suddenly stopped, so I assumed his teammates were in here, as well. Which was great. Because for now, I was stuck face-to-face with the Mayor of Dickheadville.

"Fuck's sake," I muttered.

"Tyler, I know you don't want to talk to me, or see me even, but I just need to talk to you. Please hear me out," Zach said.

"I don't even know why I listened to that entire sentence," I said. "No, dude, I don't want to fucking hear you out. Can you get out of my way?"

I tried to move around him, but Zach moved at the same time, standing further in my way, which just irritated me even more. I wanted to hold onto the rush I felt after my workout and the happiness from Clay's text messages, but all of that was seemingly wiped clean away due to fucking Zach.

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