Damn Dixon

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Shane had dragged you along, you don't really get why though, you did the things that made him arrest people, so it was kind of a shock that he pulled you along with the others. You were quite sneaky, light on your feet and moved around without being noticed, which is why you went on most runs to the city. Now even though you were kinda quiet and stuff, didn't mean you weren't bad ass. Over the years your friends would take you to those activities' where you learn to throw hatchets and knives, so you did have a pretty good aim give or take.

You helped out with hunting a lot, trapping was one of your specialties. To say the least Daryl got kinda pissed when you were able to get a Deer when a walker got his. Since you had arrived, there seems to have been a rivalry between you and the older man, you were almost 23 and did everything that he could, you were pretty good with a bow, good with knives, could skin and gut you kill, ect. To say the least you were low key his rival.

Today was kinda laid back, Carl and Sophia asked you to take them down to the quarry to swim, of course you had to double check with there mothers, who did both agree to let you take them. You had to admit, Carl would be pretty good looking when he got older, so would Sophia. They'd be cute together' you thought, smiling to yourself as you watched them play. "Y/n, arnt you gonna come in with us?" Carl asked, looking over at you. You laughed then stood from your spot. "A little water never hurt anyone eh?" You said, taking your knives off your belt and placing them on the rock you had been sitting on, then joining the kids in the water.

Unknowingly, you had someone watching you from back up on the hill, Daryl. He was watching you and the kids, a smirk on his face as he watches Carl tackle you into the water. "Weren't you going on a hunt?" Shane asked, Daryl grunted, his face going back to a neutral expression as he grabbed his bow from where he had placed it, making his way into the woods. Shane looked down to where you were, you looked to the sky "Its going to be dark soon, lets head back up and dry off okay?" You said to the kids, they groaned in response but made there way out of the water and up the hill with you.

When you got back up to the camp, the kids ran off to change and you made your way to your tent to change as well, striping off your wet clothes and throwing on a pare of dry jeans and a tank top. As you exited your tent, You hung up your clothes then went to see if your help was needed with anything. With nothing to do, your help not needed, you chatted with the girls who were doing laundry down at the water. "What do you all miss most?" You asked. Without hesitation, "My vibrator" comes from Andrea. "Me too" adds Carol, making you all giggle, "Texting, I miss texting" Andrea's sister said. "What about you" she asked, you hummed contently and thought for a moment.

"In all honesty, my dope...And my vibrator" You reply, which causes you all to go into a fit of giggles. Carols husband makes his way down, a smoke dangling from his lips as he barks orders at her. You hated that man, never even took the time to learn his name simply because it was a waist of your time. "Lets go" he growled, grabbing her arm harshly. The girls pulled her back and slapped at him, him slapping Carol. That did it.

You stood and turned to him, pushing the girls out of the way and laying a swift kick to the side of his head, knocking him down. "You bitch-" "Don't even talk to me you waist of a soul, now you listen here and you listen good" You said, one of your knives pressed to his throat. "If I so much as see one more bruse, on your wife or daughter, I wont be so merciful." You growled, going to stand up, but hey, you could take some of your anger out on him. You went back down and landed a good at least ten hard blows to the left side of his face, breaking or at least spraining his nose.

You got off him as Carol ran to him crying, you looked down at him then the girls, excusing yourself as you went back up to camp, examining your hand as you did. You were better with your legs, kicking, punching wasn't your thing due to how badly your knuckles were screwed up. Guess you ended up hurting yourself a bit, you did punch him pretty hard so not really surprising. By the time you got back up, Daryl had returned with a few rabbits and squirrels which he was now skinning.

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