Chapter 27: Lying now isn't an option

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Jessi's P.O.V

It has been 2 days since Ashton left. I haven't heard from him or anything. His Mum decided to stay until he came back to the house because she wants to talk to him on why he was going to do what he wanted to do to me. I haven't really thought about what I am going to say if he comes back or if I am going to say anything alot. I have been between packing his things and telling him to leave or leaving myself and letting the house out.

I don't want to leave here without hearing what he has to say. I want to know what the hell is going on with him. I haven't eaten or slept or nothing in 2 days I just cant bring myself to. I know it is not good for the baby but I just cant. The guys have been worried to bits about me but I can't do anything about it if my fiancée decides to go and cheat on me.

"Jess?" Calum touched my hand and I instantly pulled away.

"Sorry. Im a little on edge today." I slightly smiled.

"Im going to drive Lia to her apartment to get some things and I will be back in about an hour okay?" He said bending down next to me.

"Yeah, yeah okay." Calum smiled with simpathy.

Ashton's P.O.V

I roll over and fell off the cool and uncomfortable leather couch that I have been sleeping on the past 2 days. I hit my head off the ground. There was really no point on getting back up. There was no point on doing anything. I can't see myself being able to face Jessica again. I love her so much its just she wouldn't leave me explain myself. I would never cheat on her. I love her and our baby.

Things are just complicated.

"Ash get the fuck up off the floor, and get dressed." I saw Sarai's feet near my face.

"Whats the point Sarai! There is none!" I shouted.

"We are going back to your house. TODAY." She strictly said "Now here and your clothes. I'll give you 5 minutes then we go." She threw my clothes down on top of me. I groaned and pulled myself up off the ground.

When I was dressed Sarai and I walked down to my car. Which was parked in the same place as it was parked 2 days ago. I took my keys out from my pocket and tangled up in the keyrings was Jessicas engagement ring. I squeezed it tightly - I need her back.

Calum's P.O.V

"Cal, do you think Jess is holding up okay?" Lia asked my getting back into my car leaving her apartment.

"Amm I think she is in shock. I dont think she knew exactly was Ash was capable of. None of us did." I stuck the key in the engine and turn on my car.

When came back to the house and Lia went upstairs to have and shower. I poked my head into the kitchen and saw Luke, Abby and Anne spread out on different chairs in the kitchen and Lauren with Harry on the couch on the further side of the kitchen. I decided to continue on into the living room where I could see from where I was standing that Jessica hadnt moved since I left earlier.

I sat down on the couch next to her and put my arm around her pulling her close to my body. I wanted her to feel safe with me. She is my best friend, we have been through so much together and I don't want it to change because she is pregnant and with my friend and I am in a relationship too. We will always be best friends, no matter the circumstance.

"Im so sorry for all of this Jessi." I said

"It wasnt you Calum, who cheated on me or who tried to hit me for standing up for myself. You have nothing to be sorry about." She pointed out "At least you were faithful to me when we were together."

"Does this not feel wrong to you?" Ashton Irwin COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now