Chapter 12: Deep down

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Ashton's P.O.V

"THAT WAS WELL OUT OF ORDER MAN!" I pushed Michael to the ground

"No it wasnt and we both know it man." Michael sat there looking at me

"Wheather I think it or not. It was. You really are upseting her." I paused and took a breath "She didnt do anything wrong. You cant blame her for anything. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BLAME HER THN BLAME ME TOO."

"Why do I have to blame you for anything Ashton? Your not the one who was nearly pregnant."

"Michael you are making no sense. It takes two to make a baby and you know that."

"To be honest I am not mad at her, I am mad that she had to go to everyone else in the band but me. And to find out 3rd hand that she was being beaten by James kills me every day." Michael began to cry

"They why are you telling me this." I sat down next to him. "You are the one who is saying hurtful things about her and expecting her to read your mind. You have to stop with this. No matter who she sleeps with or ends up with you have to be happy and expect her to make the right choices. We all make mistakes, you have to remember."

"She wont listen to me, after what I said. I have to hide my worry from her. Her anxiety will get too much for her." He lay back on the bed, putting his hands on his face.

"She never said that she had anxiety. Is it that bad."

"She always had it I guess but then when she started with James then it started to get worse but I didnt think anything of it. I am such a bad brother. What I have been doing the past few months has not been right."

"You are not a bad brother .. you just didnt communicate you feeling right." I got up to a knock on the door.

"Michael, babe. Can we talk. I am due in a few months and things need to be sorted for the child" Lucy walked in the door holding her belly.

"And that is my que to leave. I need to tell Jess something."

"Thanks Ash" Lucy put her hand on my back as I walked out the door.

Jessi's P.O.V

I need to get out of her. I walked out into theeback garden and sat down on the chair. There are way too many people. The more people the more chance I have of being hurt.

I cant do this anymore. I need to cut all connections with Michael. This is it, its all over.

I sat in the green lawn chair, my breathing speeding up and becoming sallow. My head was spinning. Tears steaming down my face. Anxiety  attack in full force. I hadnt had one of these in afew months.

"Jess are you out hear, talk to me." I heard a voice from the corner.

"Go away I dont need to talk to anyone." Ashton poked his head around the corner.

"Can we talk. Please." He ran to my side.

"No we dont." I screamed and but my hands to my head.

"Okay then. I talk you listen... Look, Michael really loves you and he cares about you but the whole thing with the baby and ....... James he is just a in bad way that he couldnt help you." I looked at Ashtons face "And another thing. Well I dont know how to say this in a while that someone wont be hurt but, well, Jess, I love you." Suddenly my breathing  became normal as soon as he touched me.

My jaw dropped "You, love me?" He sat on the lawnchair opposite me.

"I never stopped. And I know you are with Cal and you love him or whatev..." I cut him off by jumping on top of him knocking him off the lawnchair onto the grass.

"I never stopped loving you. Well like when I said I loved Cal, I did and still do but you were, are and always will be THE one, my first true love." We giggled together on the grass before Calum came out to fine me.

"JEESSss ... what are you doing?" He said in shock.

"Calum Im sorry." I told Calum as I stood up to him to make eye contact but he was too tall for me to be at eye level, me being 5 foot nothing and a half and all.

"I cant say I am surprised to be fair. I knew this would come eventually but I am happy for you I guess. I love you Jess." Calum pulled me into a hug.

"Im am so sorry for such a shit birthday." I leaned on his chest

"What. Are you kidding me, apart from this thing, this has been the most amazing birthday ever. You and Asthon were meant to be together. Who am I to stand in the way of that. I guess you want my bass back."

"No. What am I going to do with it. You will kept that thing." I pulled out.

"Thanks. Its amazing. Its really late and everyone is gone. You go to bed and I'll clean up. Ill bunk in Ashtons room tonight." He winked and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks Calum. I love you." Calum walks off and I turned to Ashton.

"I guess its just you and me tonight." I went up on my tippy toes.

Ashton leant down and kissed me lips and picked me up bridal style.

"I guess so"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I am so sorry for such a crap chapter.

But Jaston are back together. AND STAYING TOGETHER THIS TIMEE

I love ye so much and ye are the only reason why I am writting so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love ye



"Does this not feel wrong to you?" Ashton Irwin COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now