Chapter 6:What will Ashton say?

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Calum's P.O.V

"AHH Calum" I heard a scream from the bathroom after a nervous Jes had walked in a few seconds previous "What am I going to do?"

I hugged her tryin to confort her. I looked down at the test and saw that one test had two lines and the other three tests had one line. "So one positive and three negative, what does this mean now."

"I need to get my bloods done but I more than likely amn't preganant"

"Are you going to tell Ashton?" I said "He deserves to  know"

"Yeah I am going to call him now and tell him to come back. Can you go so I can have some time alone before he comes?"

"Yeah sure. Are you okay now?" She nodded coming out of the hug, walking past me and getting plastic bags and she put the positive and negative tests seperatly into the bags and walking away from me sight. I walked down the bus to say good bye to her.

"I love you for doing this for me I really do" I heard her voice crack, and I smiled.

"Dont worry about it sis" She smiled and lay down looking at her phones screen saver, with the pregancy test layed out on the table.

"Ill come back later I promise" She said nothing and I walked out of the bus, just as I was on the last step of the bus I felt two arms swing around my neck

"Thank you." I turned around to see Jes, "Its okay, you would be there for me too. Now talk to Ashton."

Jessi's P.O.V

"Hello, you need to come back to the bus. Dont say anything just come back now we need to have a chat about something." I said neriously on the phone

"Okay Im on my way." I hung up before Ashton could ask what was the matter.

A couple minutes later I heard the door swing open in the bus and slam shut again. "Jes... Jessi where are you?" I heard a worried Ashton come in.

Ash stood at the door way and looked at the table, "You need to keep your shit together the next time!" I told him angerly and he smiled "What the hell is so funny about nearly getting me pregnent"

"You said next time." He smiled and sat next to me.

"Thats not the point" I slid down the sofa "Dont you see there still could be a chance Im pregnent with your child!"

"So you did slept with your boyfriend yet, AFTER 4 YEARS." He got tense

"I didnt say that. Just not in a while"

"Whow so you might be having my baby."

"Put enfacess on the MIGHT. This is all your fault, you should have worn protection."

"WHAT? How is this all my fault, It is mostly yours for jumping on me like that! Are you not on the pill?" His mouth dropped

"I am, I have been on it since I was 15."

"Thats early but to avoid a fight, What the hell are we going to do?"

"Obviously you are going to support me while I am carrying it, If I even am.'

"Well yeah duuh" Clearly Ashton was sick to his stomach after this but it is kind of cute that he is so worried about me and what potentionally could be his baby.

"Well you will know for certain by next week okay. Calum is taking me to the doctor." I told him

"Why the hell is Calum taking you, I should be the one to take you."

"No offence but he is the one that I can trust right now."

"Okay that is understandable I guess." His face went into a frown once more as he picked up the bags and looked at the positive one and put it into his back pocket.

"Does this not feel wrong to you?" Ashton Irwin COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now