Chapter 23: Today? Like right now?

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Jessi's P. O. V

2 weeks later

I stood infront of the mirror and saw my small little bum. Seeing a bum now actually makes it so much more real to me that there is a preson inside me. Ashton has been back and forth buying things for her and not letting me get a say in anything. I did by her a crib which I was pretty damn proud of.

I poked my head around the wal of my wardrobe and saw Ashton sitting on the side of the bed holding his head in his hands. He went out last night with the boys and got so pissed it was actually funny. Myself, Abby and Lucy had a nice girls night in and laughed at the drunken voicemails and texts that the boys were leaving us.

"Morning Ashton." I whispered across the room.

"Heyyy." He groaned while he looked at me.

"Hows your head?" I giggled.

"I feel like I just got hit by a train, then a bus, then a car driven my an old woman."

"Well its always good you have a sense of humour when you have a hangover" I laughed "What time did you guys come it... I was well after I went to bed Id say."

"Amm like 4 or something." He stood up and walked towards me.

"Well hate to brake it to you, but as much as I love and adore you, unless you go for a shower before you come any closer to me. You are going to have sick all over you. I cant stand the smell of buzz anymore." I pointed at the shower "Now go for a shower and I might do something that will ease the hangover for you" I winked

Ashton walked into the bathroom and I heard him collaspe on the floor and getting sick into the toliet, I hope. Im just happy it wasnt me.

"Now you know how I feel in the mornings" I said as I opened the door slightly to give him a towel.

"Isnt it just a party." He moaned and I laughed.


After I had helped Ash get over his hangover in the bedroom, we walked down stairs where we met Calum and Luke in the kitchen with Abby. Luke and Calum had there heads on the table. Abby was rubbing Lukes back.

"Wow ye should did go hard last night." I looked at Ashton.

"Yeah, bad bad idea." He replied

"It seemed like a good idea at the time we were sure of it." Calum moaned.

"Luke cant even keep down water." Abby looked at me with a sadened look on her face.

I giggled softly "Wheres Michael?"

"I think he is still asleep. Lucy came down but went back up not long after. She was getting water fo him I think." Abby said.

"I dont think you guys relise how lucky you are to have three girls in the house to care for you and look after you...." Ashton muttered under his breath cutting across me

"And to have sex with us and to please us." He said and I hit his shoulder.

"As true as that is.. you dont know how lucky you all at." I kissed his. Check and my face suddenly turned sour.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked looking really worried.

I shook my head and put my hands up to my mouth. knowing what was to follow I proceeded to run to my bathroom and fall on to the floor putting my head in the toilet.

"Jessica!" Ash followed

I spat into the bowl of the toilet.

"It's okay Jess don't worry" Ash rubbed my back.

"Does this not feel wrong to you?" Ashton Irwin COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now