Chapter 13: Can we still be friends?

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Jessi's P.O.V

I woke up in my bed to the cool wind coming from open window in my room. I turned my head and looked over my shoulder to see a sleeping Ashton next to me. His warm hand crept around my waist as he snuggled up to me placing his head in the crook of my neck.

"M-Morning Jess." Ashton moaned as he dug his head in my neck.

"OH morning." I got up off the bed and rapped the blanket around me body.

"Did you sleep okay?" He turned and lay facing the ceiling.

"Not really Ashon." I stood up of the bed and started to walk towards my closet, in a blanket.

"Why so darling?" Ashton pulled back the sheets reveiling his boxers and followed me over. He stood behind me rubbing my shoulders.

"I dont know really, Im going for a run." I gave Ashton the blanket and put on some sweats and Ashtons t-shirt on before going to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and my hair, before tying it up in a high pony tail. I said goodbye to Ashton with a kiss on the cheek before I jogged down the stiars into the kitchen. I filled a bottom of water and grabber my phone and headphones.

I grabbed my keys before running out the door. I ran around the block a couple of time before I decided to head back to the house. I had thought about why I couldnt sleep and everything was point to possibly making Calum have the worst birthday of his life.

I felt terrible even though he said it was great. I wanted to talk to him but I was nervous that he wont talk to me. What am I going to do. I think I am cutting my ties with each memebr of 5 Seconds of Summer one by one. Stop over thinking this Jess your will have an attack like that if you dont stop.

I ran up the drive of my house. I was all sweaty from my runn. I took my keys out of my pocket and turned the lock in the door. I walked into the kitchen and washed my bottle.

"Your up early." Calum walked into the kitchen, scraring my half to death.

"You scared me, my heart." I turned away bending down putting my bottle in the press. "Yeah I just went for a run to get something off my mine thats all"

"Oh right." I looked at Calum who was standing in the middle of my kitchen in his pj bottoms and nothing else.

"Im so sorry Cal, can you even forgive me." I stopped and looked at him again.

"Forgive you for what?"

"For making your birthday just terrible." 

"Like I told you already, you didnt make my birthday terrible. You got me the best present I could as for and threw my a legendary party, how could I be mad at you for that. And anyway, your with the better person now. You and Ashton were fit for each other from the day you met. I dont need to be mad at you for finding the person you love do I?" He pulled me into a hug

"Im all sweaty Calum." He squeezed me even tighter.

"I dont care."

"So does this mean we cant be friends again,"

"We never stopped being friends Jess. You are my best friend in the world. I cant deny you that."

"I thought the boys were you best friends."

"Yeah but you come a level over that. You know more about me then they do I bet you. I mean like they never slept with me."

"HA HA HA your so funny. And we had sex once."

"AHH now Jess why did you have to make it dirty" We both laughed at the conersation for getting so pointless, but I guess thats what a best friends conversation I meant to be. Its wierd but now that me and Calum  did the things we did, I have actually come so much closer to him as a friend.

"Does this not feel wrong to you?" Ashton Irwin COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now