Chapter 19: I don't believe you

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Ashton's P.O.V

Calum went to stay with his sister while the whole thing colled down betweeen Jessica and him, and today was the day that he was coming home. If I was completely honest, I am nervous. Not of what Jessica will say to him, its what I will say to him if he steps out of line.

Jessica is my true love and for him to have fucked about with her in the past, really does hurt me. I was supposed to go and get him from the station but I had to ask Michael to come with me. I was going to ask Luke but he was doing something with Abby.

Michael and I got into my car and got ready for an hour and a half of a drive to the station.

"Ashton, Im sorry for being such an ass." Michael spoke braking the long spell of silence.

"Look I cant say that I am not mad at you because I still am slightly but, what I am trying to say is that it is all in the past. I mean we are both changing now. I mean you have a kid on the way."

"Yeah I am just happy that we have put this behind us. I just wish that Jessica would be so forgiving as you are."

"She just needs time. I promise she will come round."

"We did talk the other day but I have a feeling there is something that she is not telling me."

"Dont worry man. Shell tell you when the time is right if she has anything to tell you."


After a long deep conversation with Michael we reached the station where we saw Calum sitting on the bench waiting for us.

I stayed in the car while Michael got out and greeted him. I didnt get out because I didnt know what to say.

He put his bags into the trunk and got into the back of that car. Followed closely by Michael in the front seat.

Michael continued to make small talk with Calum for about a half an hour into the drive but then stopped as he had nothing else to say. Then after about another fifteen minute:

"Ashton, hows Jessica?" Calum spoke from behind me.

"Fine." I said bluntly.

"Has she said anything about me?" 

What was I supposed to say; Yeah she cried herself to sleep for a week and a half because of the shit that you did. Yeah Calum she is completely and utterly disgusted with you.

"No, not a word." I said

"So I guess she still hates me." He sighed.

"Yup." I stopped the car, my phone started ringing. We had about 30 minutes left in the drive. 

I looked down at the caller ID and saw that it was Jessica so I got out of the car and shut the door behind me.

"Hey is everything okay?"

"Yeah but I was thinking and I think you should tell Michael." I laughed at her comment

"Jessi I am just after getting Calum, that is the last thing him to be bitching about and I kind of dont need your brother to KILL ME."

"Okay. I miss you Ashton."

I got into the car.

"Yeah I miss you too --- Love you. See you soon." I smiled and put my phone into my pocket.

"Ashton you ready for the show on Sunday night." Calum asked me. But hearing Jessicas voice made me hate him.

"Calum, when I have I ever not been ready."

"Does this not feel wrong to you?" Ashton Irwin COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now