Love Kills Slowly - Chap. 7

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  I woke up several times that night. Each time I was sweating, panicking. I felt nauseous. Then morning came, and nothing had changed. As soon as it was a reasonable time, I decided to phone Rae and tell her that I couldn't make it.

"Hey Christy! You coming over?" came a cheerful voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hi Rae. I can't come, good luck with the cleaning... I'm so sorry," I told her, miserably.


"I'm ill; I think I have a temperature."

There was a small click on the other end. She hung up on me. Great.

Within fifteen minutes, there was a loud knock on the door.


That sounded like Rae. I hurried downstairs to let her in. To my utter shock, I noticed that Rae had brought someone with her.


 There I was, in my pink pyjamas, opening the door. I ran back upstairs and hid under my duvet. He couldn't see me like this! No way! Why did Rae have to bring him? Urgh. Rae - A blessing, but sometimes just a pain. What should I do? Where should I run? I felt a blush coming. I ran upstairs, into my room. I stayed quiet. No one was following me. I crawled back into bed and let sleep take over.


"Christy, I brought you some tomato soup I found in your kitchen cupboard," Rae whispered, entering my room, followed by Matt.

Instead of answering her, I stared at them. They were a perfect couple. They stood so closely, it looked like they had melted together. Stop! Stop, stop, stop! What the hell am I thinking? What am I? Jealous? Why can't they get together? I'm not in their way; they can do anything they want! I decided that it was the fact that I was ill that made me think such things. It must be the flu. I'm not normally like that. Oh. Rae. Soup. I gratefully accepted the hot liquid from her and watched her go downstairs. She was so nice. Why couldn't everyone be like her - Kind and caring? I looked at what had once was tomato soup. I tried it and pulled a face. Rae had put in way too much salt. I shovel the bowl under my bed. I soon realised that Matt was still by the door. It was when I smiled at him that he moved.  He stood by the bed and looked down on me, smiling. He knelt down and kissed me on my forehead - the same spot as yesterday. My head felt hot, and I was quite dizzy. He smelt nice today - unlike me.  I smelt of sweat, and nastiness. 

He sat down on the bed, next to me, indicating that I should move up. I did so, and watched him lie down, on top of the covers, (thank god!) and put him arm around me. I put my head next to his. I felt like I was in a trance. I never thought that anything like this would ever happen to me. It was not long until I fell asleep.

I don't know how long it was until I woke up, but when I did, I was shocked to find how close I found myself next to Matt. Every place that our skin came in contact burned. It was uncomfortably warm, but still pleasant. I sat up and looked at him. He had fallen asleep. I looked at his face. His hair had fallen around it in a boyish manner. I soon realised that he was whispering something...

 "He's saying your name, sweetie."

The words took a while to sink in. I turned my head to the left to see Rae perched on a chair.

"I've been watching you guys for the last ten minutes. You make such a cute couple!" She teased.

"NO WE DON'T!" I said, a little too loudly.

Within a few seconds, Matt had woken up, with his face going bright red, when he saw how close we were. I noticed this before him and jumped out of the bed, startled.

"I...I.... I'm..." I stuttered, speechless. I didn't know what to say. I tried to think of something... just something , but I couldn't. My head was swimming with thoughts.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault." Matt replied, surprisingly calmly.

He too, got off the bed. He ruffled his hair and went downstairs. A few moments later, I heard a "thud."

Great. He's left you. I'm so stupid, why did I have to do that for. It could have ended differently, I thought. I can't do anything right, can I?


AN: Not much suspense, but enough to ruffle yer feathers, right? What's gonna happen in school the next day?

I  have test week coming up, but chill, for the small amount of people who read this. I'm still uploadin' For sho.


Don't ask.

Love kills slowlyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt