Love Kills Slowly Chapter 22 **ENDING A**

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NOTE:  This one is grim and contains details that might upset some people.

The train was about to depart, so I quickly got on and stood at the outside on the back and began to wave. It had just begun to speed off to the north when Matt began running towards the edge of the platform. He gave a mighty leap and ran towards the train that was going into the distance.

I opened the small gate on the railing and reached out towards Matt. The rocks underneath the tracks were becoming sharper and larger. Boulders stood on the side and the landscape became more depressing.

I couldn’t say that I expected what happened then, and you can guess that it wasn’t the nicest of endings. One would expect the prince to get the princess and live happily ever after, drive off into the horizon and live in a castle, but in this case, we had each other for all eternity.

Matt finally grabbed hold of my hand, but instead of being pulled up so that he could join me, he pulled me down to my death. I don’t know what I said, or if I even screamed, and everything after that point is unknown to me.

So we died together, with one half of the heart pendant on each of us. We were buried with them too – we watched our funeral. Our bodies were ruined – mine had been smashed against a large rock and I lost my eyes (Although I got them back in heaven, after wanting a pair). Matt’s back crumbled a rock into bits, and broke his back. We both had been poked in the stomach by stones and without us knowing, we bled to death, in our innocent, unconscious state, our hands sealed together.

We became spirits and watched everything from above. In heaven, you crave for simple things like dogs,swings and even a good book. It isn’t perfect - your biggest desire is left unfulfilled – to be with your loved ones, but you can watch them whenever you want. I guess, I have Matt for all forevers. This was the one that I had always wanted.

We will always have each other, and everyone else will join us...

One day.

Until then, I wish you all a long and lovely life.

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