Love Kills Slowly Chapter Four

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The week went by very slowly. I had to suffer with Matt. He wouldn't leave me alone. What was wrong with this guy? He was slippery and sly. When everyone else was in the room, he was the shy, yet cheeky guy that everybody liked- apart from the teachers. But when there was no one else around, he was a thief, a bully, a torturer.

He always wore an Iron Maiden hoodie, as if he had no other clothes. I felt that when Matt hurt me, the eyes on the hoodie watched me. Sometimes I felt them smile at me, mercilessly. 

On Tuesday, he punched me in the stomach, then kicking me while I was on the floor. When a member of staff came in, he pulled me up from the floor, pretending to help me, after I had "fallen over"

The next day, he kicked and punched me, in the gym.

"What's your problem? What have I done to you? Please," I begged.

 Matt looked at me, as if he was thinking of stopping, and then punched me. I didn't know what to do. I told Rae that day, but she didn't believe me.

"Matt? Beat you? Don't be so stupid! He would never hurt you, I mean, the way he looks at you..." Rae continued.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

 By the end of the week, bruises covered me. On my legs, arms, stomach, but never on the face. I hadn't had lunch all week too. He always took my money.

 It was Saturday morning, the day of the party, and I didn't feel like going. I discovered a few new bruises that morning, making my 'start of the day' even worse. I hated this school. But there were only 4 more weeks left. I'd put up with it. Heck, after that, I'd never see Matt again. This thought cheered me up.

I got dressed, and got ready, then planted myself at the TV, waiting for the dreaded party to being.

Author's Note:

I currently have a writer's block... and I really don't know what to write. D: The next chappy will be longer. I didn't want to start the whole party thing in this chapter.

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