Chapter 19 :X

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I felt the sun shining on my face that morning. I sat up, and remembered what had happened last night. I turned my head to one side to see that Matt was no longer there. Nothing. As if he hadn’t been there. As if he didn’t exist. In three days’ time, I could go. I heard a knock on my door, and wondered who it could be.

“Come in.”

A man with a black suit and a white tie entered. I had never seen him before, and I unexpectedly went stiff.

“Christina Bell? I’m Martin Green, I work for your father,” he said, without letting me confirm my identity. “Your father has told me to report to you that you are moving to a small village called Cranbury Slate in the south of the country next week. You are going to be driven to the train station, where you will be going to live with your Aunt Ernitrude for the following weeks, until your father returns. Please start to put away your belongings into the cardboard boxes provided. They are in your bedroom. That is all.” He continued, before exiting the room.



I couldn’t leave.

Not now.

I have so many good friends. I like it here. And Matt, what would I do without him. My whole world had crashed within 20 seconds. How could I survive? Rae? Where would she be when I needed her. Today, all I could do was come up with an escape plan.

Plan B.

I was going to stay here, like it or not.

And I would need Rae’s help.

Love kills slowlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ