Love Kills Slowly Chap. 2

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NOTE: I forgot my password, so I couldn't sign In :( I am coninuing with this story, and will try to upload a lil' more regularly :)


"Hi," The person said.

Oh. My. Stars.

The person was attractive. He had Dark Brown, straight hair, which was almost black, and these gorgeous grey - blue eyes like a calm sea. His face wore a warm smile that made me feel all fuzzy and nice inside...

And then the smile turned into a frown. The calm sea became a storm and that nice feeling was replaced by chills... this guy was here to make my life a living hell. There was no way I would ever be able to stand up to him... he was like a building towering over me. I was a short, fragile girl.

"Gimme your lunch money, Bitch."

"...What?" I replied. I mentally slapped myself, why did I have to question him? I should just do what he commands and walk away... like usual.

"You heard what I said, now shove it over." He replied, a little less confidently this time.

Just then, the bell rang, and I found myself going to my classroom. The school was small, so the classes were easy to find, and I had received my schedule in the post already. When I entered the classroom, I got my first glance at my class mates. They were all in little cliques, just like all the other schools I had been to.

"Class, this is Christina Bell, she will be in your class this term, as her family will be moving soon," The teacher told the class. 

She had written her name - Mrs Evans- on the board, making me feel a little bit better and welcome.  As soon as she had  finished, the door was opened, and to my surprise - and horror- was the same, brown haired, blue - eyed boy as I had encountered before. He looked at me with shock, and then slowly, he quickly smiled at me. At that point, my guts had made a complete U-Turn, and the nice, warm feeling had returned. I cursed my hormonal self, and scolded myself for being such an idiot. I mentally reminded myself that he was horrible and he only wanted to use me, but I didn't quite believe myself.

"MATT!" Came a thundering sound - coming from Mrs Evans mouth, "YOU'RE LATE AGAIN! I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR TO GET YOURSELF TO CLASS ON TIME."

"But Mrs Evans... It's only registration, I'm not late for lesson, or registration either, since you haven't started yet," Matt replied with a smirk.  "Oh, Hey there! I saw you this morning, you bumped into me, are you okay? I'm Matt Bane," He added.

"Christina Bell," I muttered.

What on earth is he doing? The first time I meet him he tries to bully me into my lunch money, and now he's talking to me like nothing had happened.

He wasn't done yet. By far.

He moved towards me, my heart beating faster, about to explode. He bent towards me, and whispered in my ear: "You still owe me your lunch money."

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