Chapter Six

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Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Six


The funeral went okay and little Jake didn't even understand the fact that his parents are death. Diana's parents were on a world trip, when it was done they would take custody over little Jake and of course I could visit him if I wanted.

But I wasn't sure I was able to do that.

"Lola, it's going to be fine," Gemma tweaked my hand and smiled to me. "I can't believe Harry did this to me," Again the tears came up, crying yet again. It's my thing now.

"Ah baby, he thought you would forget him and he wanted this too. I mean you went to America to follow your dreams right? Why can't he do the same?'" "Gem, he made me go. I didn't even wanna leave without him! And he never told me he got through to boot camp and now his face is singing every Friday night on X-Factor," I covered up my face, holding a pillow for it.

"I can't believe he did this," I sobbed and Gemma gave me a tight hug.

The beginning of December..

I promised myself to not tell Harry that my brother died, if I did he would know I wasn't in America on the tour anymore. So I would know he lied to me.

He lies to me, I lie back, simple isn't it?

I decided to call him anyway, I wanted to hear his husky voice that I missed so much even though I was mad at him. '

"Hello? Lola, is that you babe?" He said and I smiled. "Yup, the one and only! How are you? I miss you like crazy! I said and he sssht on the other end of the phone.

"One sec love," He said. "LOUIS GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!'" That's exactly what he yelled.


The Louis.. His new bestie. He forgot about me, I was sure. "Sorry babe, I'm doing okay here alone without my lovely girl. I miss you too. How is the tour?" He continued like nothing happened.

"Who is Louis?' I asked, not answering his question. "Just a friend," He replied and I slowly pursed my lips, anger boiling upside me.

"How is the tour?" Harry asked again. "Going great, having a lot of fun here with the girls," I lied back. "How is home?" "Like I said, very lonely without you! Gem and mum are missing you a lot!" Yup, he was lying to my face.

"Really?" I said sarcastically. "I'm pretty sure I saw your face on X-Factor last night," Tears were welled up in my eyes. "Well?!" I yelled through the phone when he didn't answer.

And there flies away my promise, like it was nothing. "I'm so sorry babe," His voice cracked, he was crying as well. "You should be, you fucking lied to me!" I yelled and I heard voice asking if Harry was okay on the other line.

"Loli, I am terribly sorry. Please let me explain," "There's nothing to explain about lying you idiot!" I started to cry harder and I heard some noisy sound coming from Jake's room.

Great now I woke Jake up.. "Who is there crying?" Harry asked. "It's Jake, cause I am home," "Well you lied too! And I'm not even mad," He stated and I sighed.

Best Friends or Best Lovers // h.s.Where stories live. Discover now