"I—uh, wow," I said, blinking a few times. "I'm really good at designing things," I said, trying to mask my obvious attraction to him.

"I really like how it feels," he said, adjusting the arms of his jacket.

"That's great," I said, looking down at my notebook. "We're going to have to put it in the uniform room."

"Alright," he said, turning back around to get changed back to his normal clothes.

After he was done, I took the uniform from him and set it on my desk. I did a few more things to it, making sure it was alright to be worn in a fight.

"Coming?" I asked, standing up and walking to the door.

"What? I mean, yeah," he said, getting off his chair and following me.

We put the uniform in the room everyone else's is in and went to the rooms and had some lunch. Thor was still at the tower, so we sat and talked with him. We, I mean I, spent the rest of the day working on general things while Bucky sat and talked to me.

When the day was over, we went back to the apartment. We walked up the stairs slowly as I complained about how many stairs there were.

When I opened the door, I felt Bucky immediately push me to the wall by the door. He kissed me roughly as he tried to shut the door at the same time. He rested his hands on my sides and my hands grabbed at the back of his neck.

I pulled away from him and looked at him before closing my eyes tightly.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his right thumb rubbing my cheek gently.

"Waiting for you to throw me out of the apartment and down the stairs."

"Why would I do that?" He asked and I opened my eyes.

"Because you'll remember how much you don't want me," I said, laughing a little. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my left hand with his right.

"Now I know I won't die if I touch you," he said, leading me to the couch. He sat me down and I was expecting him to start kissing me again, but he started walking to his room.

"Is this the nicer, newer way of rejecting me?" I called out, cringing slightly.

I waited for a response, but got none. I sighed gently before standing up and making my way down the hallway. He opened the door and I was startled.

"Did I say you could move from the couch?" He asked, towering over me with the blanket in his hands.

"No, but I want to take my jeans off," I said, walking into my room. I noticed he went back out into the living area. I found a comfy pair of shorts and slid them on with a bigger t-shirt.

I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Bucky. He lifted the blanket up and I got under it. He held me close to him with his right arm, rubbing my arm as I hugged around his torso.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked quietly, grabbing the remote with his left hand.

"Whatever," I said, shrugging.

"Alright," he said, turning the tv on.

He put a TV show on and I moved so I could watch it. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on his right shoulder. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head and I smiled, leaning into him more.

After about an hour of watching TV, he got up and stood in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I'm hungry, what do you want to do?" My eyes widened and I smiled.

"Please let me take you out," I said, standing on the couch so I was taller than him. "Oh my god I gotta take you to Malibu sometime." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he laughed.

"Not tonight," he said, picking me up and setting down on the ground. "I don't want to leave the apartment."

"Can we do something on Saturday then?"

"Sure, but what are we going to do right now?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. "We can make bagel bites."

"What are those?"

"You'll love them," I said, making my way to the kitchen. I turned the oven on and sat back down on the couch.

"Do they just make themselves?" He asked from the kitchen.

"No, you gotta wait for the oven to heat up."

After we made and ate dinner, there was only one dirty pan and I cleaned it quickly.

"Those were pretty good," he said from the couch. I noticed that he was laying down completely, taking up all of the room.

"I told you you'd like them," I said, walking to the living room. I sat on one of the chairs.

"Come and lay with me, doll," he said, opening his arms.

"There's no room," I said, laughing at him.

"You'd be surprised. C'mere," he said, and I stood up. He lifted the blanket and I laid on top of him under the blanket.

"You're warm," I said, burying my face into his chest. I felt him wrap his right arm around my waist. He took his left arm and ran his hand up the side of my right thigh. It was freezing. I swatted it away. "You're an asshole."

"Thanks, doll," he said, laughing as he moved his arm back to his side. I rested my right hand on the bicep of his metal arm.

I fell asleep on him and woke up in my bed to the sound of him yelling, again. I went into his room and calmed him down like usual. I decided to try and lay on the other side of him that I usually do so I won't get thrown off of his bed. His metal arm was freezing against my back, but I didn't complain or show any signs of discomfort.

I woke up when Bucky was still sleeping. I just laid in his arms and rubbed his chest gently until I felt him jump awake and gasp lightly. I looked up at him and he was awake.

"Morning doll," he said with a rough voice. "Scared me."

"Morning," I said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. I settled back into my previous position. "I could lay here all day."

"Me too," he said, rubbing my left arm with his left hand. "If you were on the other side, my arm would be asleep."

"If I was on the other side, I would've gotten thrown off of the bed."

"Looks like we have it figured out," he said with a laugh. I sat up and got out of bed.

"I'm going to go shower," I said, leaving his room.

"Don't take all the hot water," he called out.

"I'm not you," I said, laughing as I closed the door to the bathroom.

I took a shower and realized I didn't bring my clothes into the bathroom. I opened the door and slid into the hallway. I'm guessing Bucky was in the kitchen because it smelled like food. I opened the door to my room to find Bucky at the washer trying to put his clothes in.

"Need help?" I asked, walking over to him with the towel over my chest.

"Where's the soap stuff?" He asked, looking around. I opened the door to the cabinet above the washer and grabbed the detergent. I handed it to him and turned to get some clothes. "I didn't want to go snooping."

That reminded me of when I looked in his journal. I kept trying to pick out an outfit for the day while I felt guilty. "Did you make breakfast?" I asked, not turning to look at him.

"Yep," he said, turning the washer on. He came over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go get a shower."


NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Where stories live. Discover now