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-14th June, 5:52pm-
*Norah POV*

I was visiting home for a few more weeks, then going to Scotland with Matty to meet his family.
I told my mum everything that was happening and she simply told me to 'be patient' and to see how we are with eachother before I panic that I've ruined my friendship with him. I really took that on board and decided to give him a few more days to cool off, so I went camping with my brother.
For both nights, we were both just drunk and sang songs around a fire. It really took my mind off it, and cleared my head of everything. I had changed the way I thought about everything.

During that time, I didn't have my phone as it was an agreement with my brother. I looked at my phone after and Luke hadn't stopped texting me-as normal- and it made me realise that I really missed him. He was always there for me when I was feeling confused, or wanted a good laugh with someone. I only left a few days before, but I always missed him after I visited him.

'I know you're camping, but here's a picture of a dog'

'Sorry, idk why I'm texting you. But I'm watching the episode of Spongebob where they sell chocolate bars and it makes me think of you'

'aw we all miss you, our nights are a bit quieter now'

-Just a few examples of Luke's texts.


I thought I ought to ring Michael. I had been speaking to everyone casually since I got back, but I hadn't even spoke to him once. Yet, he was the one I needed to speak to the most.

"Hello?", Michael answered quietly.
"Hiya!", I smiled but my tone of voice changed so quickly, "...Michael, I don't even know where to start, I'm so sorry"
"Norah, you did me a favour, neither of us were happy. I was shocked by your reaction that's all", he said, "I've missed talking to you"
"I know, I've missed you too. I thought it would be better to talk after we've both thought it through", I said.
"...does anything more need to be said? I feel like everything is in the open now", he laughed.
"No, I'm good I think Michael...are you okay?", I asked
"Yeah I'm fine", he giggled, "I love you Nor"
"I love you too Michael", I laughed.
"By the way we are coming home early- we are coming home in two weeks", he said
"are you serious?!", I screamed with delight, "that's amazing!...wait I will be away"
"It's fine we can see you after...why where are you going?", he asked nervously.
"I'm going to Scotland to meet Matt's parents. He's actually coming over later on today to stay at my parents house, then me and Matty are going in two weeks", I said
"That's a big step forward", he said, "that sounds lovely..."
"It should be", I smiled and my dad shouted me downstairs to go out, "I have to go out with my dad now, but I will speak to you tomorrow Michael?"
"Sounds good, I'll look forward to it", he said, "have fun!"

I sighed with relief, he seemed alright with me.

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