This Is How We Do

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*March 3rd, 5:32pm*

-Norah POV-

It was the last time I was going to see the boys for quite a long time and I was getting really upset on the train down to London, just thinking about them being that far away. My stomach was in knots and I tried to prevent myself from crying for about 2 hours.

Things with Michael were so much better, he started to feel more comfortable to tell me all about Naomi and I felt as if I already knew the girl before I properly met her. I told him how happy I was that he already felt comfortable enough to ask me for advice, and he loved how he could get a girls opinion on everything.

I hadn't completely stopped thinking about Michael like I used to, but I had started to move on a little bit from my huge crush over him, I was happy where we were at that moment. Obviously I would have loved to have seen how things would have went with him, if we got together in that club in London- the night he met up with Naomi- but it didn't matter to me that much.

I hadn't been completely honest with him; I hadn't told him about what was happening with Matty. We had started to sleep with each other, quite often, but it was a complete secret to everyone at university. Weirdly, I never would have behaved with anyone the way I behaved around Matty, but he had this effect on me. He knew how to get in my head, and get what he wanted out of everyone. Every time I looked at him, I felt so attracted to him, we barely even spoke anymore- all I did was sleep with him. I felt like a slut, but I wanted to see how things would end up with Matty so I went with the flow.

"Norah!!!", Charlotte screamed as she greeted me off the train platform, "come on, quick! We have to get home"

"Alright, Jesus Christ!", I exclaimed as I struggled to lift my suitcase full of presents for the boys, up the stairs.

"They will be home any minute", she said and rushed us both home.

Basically before they left, we had planned a surprise leaving party in their house, where Charlotte raided all their phones and got all the people they see regularly. We even invited people like, Alex, Jack, Zachary and Rian because All Time Low were touring England at the time. Even Harry Styles was coming to wish the boys luck. But the guest I was most nervous for (even including All Time Low and the lads from Lower Than Atlantis- and fucking Harry Styles) was Naomi. Charlotte talks to her quite often, but I didn't have her number, so she invited her on my behalf. She was going back to America as well within the following week, so we included her in the 'Bon Voyage' party.

We unlocked the house, because Charlotte has a key from Cal, and we set up all the food and novelty presents and drinks. Normally we wouldn't splash out on drinks, but we bought everything we could because we knew that we would save money after the boys leave, because we wouldn't go out on nights out. Also, Charlotte's dad's business recently came into a lot of money, and he wanted to reward Charlotte for all her hard work- so she spent the majority of it on a party; trust her to do that.

I quickly threw on a skirt and tights, with a top, and Charlotte finished my makeup; yet again. She wore a casual shirt dress with tights and vans.

All the guests had arrived and were stood in the garden, so that the lads couldn't see them when they came home. I was starting to get slightly worried because Naomi wasn't here and I knew that they would come home soon.

They had been at interviews in the morning, but they met up with a few friends who were going to come to the party anyway, so we told them to take the boys home. The lads thought that we were going out on the night, so when they came in to us sat in our outfits, they didn't think anything of it.

"Hiya! How was your day?", we greeted them sickly.

"Good, the interviews were really fun", Luke smiled and sat down next to me.

"I hope you don't mind that these bellends are coming with us tonight!", Michael gestured to the people stood behind him. Amongst those people, I spotted Naomi. I sighed with relief. Luckily I knew her from her Instagram photos, but she actually looked better in real life which sickened me a little bit.

There was a lot of hubbub and Michael pulled me aside to introduce me to Naomi.

"Norah", he said gently, "this is Naomi, the girl I've been talking about"

"Hi Norah!", she beamed and hugged me, "I've heard so many great things about you"

"You too!", I cooed. I'm not normally this friendly with people I didn't know, but I just went along with Naomi's personality. Obviously I was friendly with people I had just met, but I wouldn't scream and hug to them; immediately. She was gorgeous, and I could easily see why she would leave such an impression on Michael.

"Let's go in the kitchen for drinks", I said after a lengthy conversation with Naomi.

We all walked in and the curtains were closed to the patio door. I tutted and moaned why someone would leave them closed all day, even though I was the one who did it.

As I opened them, Jack Barakat was pressing his bare arse against the glass door, and had written 'GOOD LUCK' across his cheeks. I screamed with laughter when the lads realised it was him, and ran outside to greet everyone.

"I can't believe you did this!", Ashton smiled.

"This is exactly what we wanted before we left, to have everyone we care about in one room", Luke gushed and hugged me.

"Let's get bollocked!", Harry Styles screamed in the background as everyone took a shot.

"This has great", Calum slurred, as he said goodbye to the last few people leaving.

"Have you enjoyed it babe?", Charlotte patronisingly patted his head

"Yes thanks love", he smiled at her.

"Let's get you to bed", she laughed and put his arm around her shoulder. She was drunk herself so she still stumbled a bit going up the stairs, but still better than Calum. Naomi stayed the night with Michael, so I was sleeping alone, while my two best friends are in relationships... Fucking great.

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