American Idiot

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*2nd June, 11:24am*
-Norah POV-

I woke up and the house was in complete silence, it was eery. I knew that everyone was awake though because I could hear a trickle of water from the pool. Normally I wake up to laughter and music.
Alex's wedding was amazing, but it was ruined by Naomi and Calum arguing. I know that Calum had a valid point, but he could have handled it better instead of just shouting at his best friend's girlfriend. I was absolutely dreading seeing her after what happened at the end of the night. Luckily I didn't see her after she argued with me at my birthday, and I just avoided her at the wedding- until I heard what she said about me.
I realised I was on my own, so I got up and looked down at the garden through my window and Michael was laid on a lilo in the pool, he looked really sad. He lifted up his big sunglasses to reveal his massive bags under his eyes, and he spotted me looking at him through the window. Even though I looked like shit, with my hair and makeup still half on my face, I didn't care. All I cared about was whether Michael was alright or not. He just gave me a thumbs up, and put his sunglasses back on. I gave him a thumbs up back.
My bedroom door was open, and Naomi was stood there wearing a towel. She must have noticed Michaels suit on the floor, and the fact that my hair looked shit, and I was wearing little shorts and vest top. She looked pissed off.
I simply smiled at her and walked into the bathroom, without saying a word. In the bathroom I was panicking, i didn't expect to see her so soon after the argument, especially with her thinking I slept with Michael. I just didn't know what to say so I decided to ignore her.
"...Norah?", I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"What?", I snapped as I opened the door to see Luke and Ashton, "oh sorry, I thought it was-"
"We know", Luke interrupted me, "we saw the state of your room, with the empty bottle of champagne and clothes all over the floor and we were wondering what happened?"
"It's not what you think, he just stayed with me last night after his argument with Naomi", I explained.
"Why you?", Luke asked, "he could have stayed with me, or Ash. It's weird how he chose you"
"I don't know why- he knew I would be awake after all that", I said.
"...I'm hungover as fuck should we get some breakfast?", Ashton said suddenly.
"Sounds perfect right now", I smiled and threw on some comfy clothes.
We all sat down and enjoyed breakfast together, talking about the wedding. But Naomi was still sulking upstairs, and no one had even mentioned her, because of Michael.
"I think we need to call down a certain someone and have a discussion", Calum said as we all finished. Everyone rolled their eyes and sighed.
"...Calum's right, I don't want to do it either but we have to", I said.
Charlotte walked to the bottom of the stairs and shouted her down.
They both walked into the kitchen looking rough and annoyed with each other.
"Good morning!", Calum sarcastically greeted her.
"Don't Calum, I'm not in the mood", she replied and sat down, rubbing her head.
There was a moment of silence as we all waited for her to say something to us.
"Well we just called you down to talk a bit about last night", I said to her.
"What that you fucked my boyfriend?!", she snapped.
"I didn't 'fuck' your boyfriend! He stayed with me so that he didn't have to stay with you", I said.
"okay...", she sighed.
We all just stared at her, expecting some form of apology for what she said about all of us.
"What?", she snapped.
"Naomi stop it. Just apologise for what you said", Michael said.
"...fine", she sighed, "I'm sorry for calling Norah and Charlotte sluts. I'm sorry for ruining Alex's wedding. I'm sorry that I tried to ruin friendships and relationships. Norah, I'm so sorry for not trusting you around Michael, I know that you are just good friends. Most importantly, I'm sorry for how I treat you Michael"
We all looked at eachother in shock, not realising that she would go into that much detail.
Michael just stood up and kissed her.
We all actually gasped.
"It's okay Naomi, do you want to have a chat outside?", he said and led her outside.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!", Charlotte stood up and screamed as the door shut behind them.
"I can't believe he just forgave her immediately", Calum rolled his eyes.
"I'm still not happy to be honest", I sighed and started clearing up the plates with Luke.


Michael and Naomi came back into the kitchen, looking pleased.
"Lads!", he shouted, "Naomi has agreed to make more of an effort again, like she did at the start"
"Really?", I said in shock.
"Yes, I'm sorry I changed so much I was just paranoid of your friendship. Whenever I was friends with a guy-before Michael- it basically meant I was banging him", she laughed, "I had Michael all to myself while you were still in England and I must have become jealous when you came back"
We all just sort of looked at eachother in shock and nodded.
"Well, thank you Naomi, we appreciate you trying again", I said. Charlotte didn't look very happy, but we had to say something, because her and Michael clearly made up so we had to as well.
For the rest of the day, I acted fine around Naomi considering what she said, and got on with our day as normal. We didn't do anything all day because everyone was still hungover, and we just hung around the pool, talking. It was a strange atmosphere, but I did the best I could considering.
"Who fancies a Chinese takeout?", I asked everyone in the pool.
"Yeah! Come on Norah we will go, I know what everyone wants already", Ashton said and listed exactly what everyone wanted perfectly.
"Wow I can't believe you got what I wanted!", Naomi said, "but I'm not staying, I'm going to see a friend tonight"
"Oh okay, well have a good time!", I said and went inside to throw some clothes on to go out with Ashton.
Obviously I was still furious with the girl, but we had to get over it.
"Are you ready Norah?!", Ashton shouted.
"Yes I'm coming", I shouted as I snap chatted a photo of my room to Matt. I hadn't been thinking about him as much as I normally do, so to get a snapchat of him in the flat with everyone, saying that they missed me, made me think about him. Then to get one of him drunk later on saying he missed me made me so happy.

On the way to the Chinese, we blasted Foo Fighters and sang every word.
"I've missed this today, this is us on a normal day", Ashton said as he pulled into the takeout.
"I know, but it will be better tonight! Don't worry, they won't last long together", I sighed.
" you still feel anything to him?", he asked quietly.
"I mean I haven't thought about him like that in a while", I lied, "but I have other people to focus on"
"Like who?", he scoffed, " this Matt?!"
"Yeah things are kicking off with him- finally", I smiled.
"Aw Norah!!", he hugged me, "you deserve this"
"Thanks Ash", I laughed, "now come on I'm fucking starving!!"
We got the food and drove back to eat it. Naomi was gone, so we sat outside and played Biffy Clyro albums.
We were sat giggling for hours over the stupidest things, and it felt like we were back in London together again. The sun set in the background, and we giggled about Michael putting noodles in Calum's hair without him realising.
"Fuck off!", he screamed.
"I hate to bring it up Michael", Luke sighed from laughing, "are things back to normal with Naomi?"
"Urm...yes. We let out a lot out last night and we both feel better, and we can move on", he smiled
"Good that's good to hear", Ashton patted him on the back, " Norah pulled?"
"What?!", they all screamed.
"Is it Matt?", Calum asked.
I nodded then shook my head in embarrassment, as they ran over to me and all hugged me so hard that I fell off the chair.
"We are so happy for you gorgeous", Michael sighed and bit his lip.
"thanks Mikey!", I grinned
"I'm not being funny, but is everyone hyper because we are over tired?", Charlotte asked, and we all nodded in reply.
"I slept for like 3 hours, I was edgy and nervous and drunk", Ashton said
"We should go to bed then...", I said, "cos I'm fucking shattered"
"Good night everyone!!", we all hugged and laughed.
Good old London times again

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