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-5th June, 4:31pm-
*Norah POV*

Me and and Charlotte were still so jetlagged so we pretty much went back to her flat, slept, and watched films.
Because we had been sleeping for so long, we weren't fully aware of what was happening with anyone.
I was scrolling through Twitter, and a video of Naomi slapping and shouting at Michael went viral, and so many fans were fuming with her.
So they should be! That is not the right way to deal with any situation.
They were open about their relationship, and he's even discussed her in an interview before. But I think this will stop now. If he starts casually talking about her so soon, they will react even more.
Charlotte decided to facetime Calum to see how everyone was doing.
"Glad you're both home safe!", he smiled at us.
"Thanks Calum, now what the fuck is going on?!", Charlotte asked
"Ohhh, the Naomi thing?", he sighed, "well obviously she reacted to Norah acting weird around Michael, a fan taped it, and now she can't step outside without getting abuse shouted at her"
"Seriously?! Is it that bad?", I asked
"Yes", he shrugged, "Michael told us about your argument, and why you actually were acting weird, Norah"
"Oh...right okay, Calum it was-"
"It's fine", he interrupted, "I don't know if he has told us the full story, and I don't care if he has or not, it's between you two. I'm telling you what he told me. You both got into a discussion about Naomi, he asked if it was related to you two, you mentioned the Matty thing and he got a bit jealous- that's it"
"Yeah he told you everything", I lied, "I never meant for Naomi to be this effected though"
"We know you didn't!", Charlotte said, "are they still hanging out though?"
"She stayed round the other night and they had a huge blowout with eachother", he said
"Well they did after Alex's wedding as well!", I added
"No but, I mean a blowout...", he emphasised.
"Oh...well I feel so guilty for causing that...", I welled up a little bit.
"Norah, it was bound to happen anyway", Calum reassured me.
"Yeah, they were going to argue about it again, even if you didn't do that", Charlotte hugged me.
"Yeah but my timing was shit- a fan caught her like that!", I said
"They deserve to know what's she's actually like as a person", he nodded.
"I suppose...I'm not looking forward to seeing Michael", I sighed.
"He's one of your best friends, I'm sure he will forgive you, and from the sounds of the argument- you will be even", Charlotte said.

Charlotte knew the full extent of what happened, unlike the lads. I decided it would be best not to tell them what Michael did, because him and Naomi were still technically together and there was no way I wanted to cause shit again.

"I'm going to call him in a few days- I'm going to go home tomorrow, get my shitty head together before my next lecture", I said.
"Like, home home?", Charlotte asked in surprise.
"I think this issue needs help from mum", I laughed, "then I will go camping with my brother or something, that normally helps"
"Sounds good, you can talk to him after you think a bit", he nodded.
"Calum my eyes are dropping, I'm still tired as shit- I'll speak to you tomorrow or something", Charlotte smiled
"Okay, sleep well beautiful", he laughed and hung up the call.
"...few more hours sleep then High School Musical?", Charlotte smirked
"Sounds heavenly", I grinned at her.

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