By The Way

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*February 10th, 6:12pm*

-Norah POV-

I had a couple of days where I wasn't doing anything at university, so I invited Charlotte to Birmingham. She knew all my friends there and they all liked her so they were happy that she was visiting.

She was acting really strangely with me; whenever I asked if she was staying with me, she ignored my texts, but then replied to the next one! So I assumed she was staying with me and ignore her weird behaviour- that's Charlotte for you!

I said that I would meet her in the train station, and we would go have a drink somewhere near there. I was so excited to see her because I wanted the full details of what actually happened between her and Calum to make them official. I was so happy for both of them...slightly jealous but mainly happy, because two of my closest friends had got together.

"Hi gorgeous!", she smiled and hugged me, "I have a surprise for you...."

I looked over her shoulder, and I could see the boys approaching us.

"They're only staying for one night, don't worry I will talk to you properly tomorrow", Charlotte whispered and smirked.

"Oh my god!", I screamed and ran up to hug them, "hello!"

"What made you all come down?", I grinned.

"We wanted to see your cute little apartment with all your student friends", Luke said.

"Hardly cute", I mumbled, "aw they will be so happy to finally meet you! You all always end up on FaceTime with each other, so they really want to meet you"
Things with Luke were better than ever, and the situation which I thought would make things awkward, actually brought us closer. I was even more worried, because it was Luke and I know how socially awkward he can be; especially around girls. Occasionally, I thought about him, and that night, because it was hot. He changed my look on him. At the end of the day, it was nothing more than a drunken kiss.

"That's nice", Ashton smiled.

"Lead the way Nor!", Michael gestured for me to start walking.

I shrugged and led them out of the train station and we jumped in my car, to go back to my flat. I couldn't believe that 5 Seconds of Summer came up to visit me!

"Come on!", I moaned as I held the door open for them. Luke was panting as he walked up the stairs. We all walked into the flat, through the corridor of bedrooms and into the main kitchen area. My roommates Becky, Matty, Nick, Emma and Ryan were stood in the kitchen and beamed with happiness when I walked in with everyone.

"Surprise! Look who's surprised me!", I said.

They all greeted each other and all started talking amongst themselves. Calum walked over to me and widened his eyes towards Ryan, and I shook my head. Then he widened his eyes towards Matty and I nodded. He was clearly trying to guess which one I seem to always talk about, even though I don't talk about him that much- only when Charlotte brings him into conversation. I could tell that Luke fancied Emma because he looked quite awkward with her. He probably didn't even look that awkward, but because I knew how he acted around girls, he looked nervous. Emma was quite relaxed with him and it made him feel more relaxed as he spoke to her.

I glanced at Luke and smiled towards him, and he just shook his head and laughed silently.

"I think we're going to get something to eat then go for a drink", I said.

"I can give you guys a ride if you want?", Matty offered. He drove a minivan so a lot of people could fit into it; he had one because his dad plays in a band and his dad gave it to him to drive down to university.

"Are you sure?", Ashton asked

"Yeah it's not a problem", he smiled and got his car keys.

"Matt your accent is stunning", Calum laughed when he got into the car, "whereabouts are you from?"

"I'm actually from Edinburgh", he said, "do you want me to pick you guys up as well?"

"Only if you can Matt", I asked

"...Alright Norah, for you!", he rolled his eyes and smiled. Ashton nudged me and opened his mouth with a smile.

"Thanks for the lift Matty!", I quickly changed the subject as I got out of the car.

"Anytime Nor, have a good night!", he smiled, "I've heard about you lot when you're together, so I'll probably have to look after you when you get in"

Charlotte burst out laughing and nodded in agreement.

"I'm actually not even bad!", I tutted and waved him off.

"Matty is so cool!", Ashton said in shock, "you've found a decent one there"

"Ash seriously! There's nothing going on between us", I said. I saw Michael smile at me. He had barely spoken to me since they arrived, which was so unlike him!

"Michael?", I waved my hand in front of his face to get his attention.

"Yeah?", he day dreamily replied.


"Of course", he smiled and checked his phone. Shit I forgot about Naomi! I haven't spoke to him at all about her since Calum's birthday. I didn't particularly want to ask about it, but I glanced at Charlotte and she was smirking.

"Guys!", Calum began to speak, "I think Norah has earned the right to know why we decided to come to visit her tonight"

"Go on!", I replied

"Basically, remember in Manchester when we said that we would have to go to America at some point?", Ashton cringed slightly.

"...seriously?! When?", I asked; slightly upset.

"A couple of weeks", Michael said, "so we wanted to see you guys as much as possible before we go. You were free tonight so we came down!"

"Aw", Charlotte sulked and sipped her glass of wine. Calum wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head gently.

"We will have to save up and visit you!", I tried to remain positive

"Well we are there for a like 3 months so if you can, that would be great!", Luke smiled, "obviously we will pay for most of it because you guys are students"

"Oh my god really?", I twisted my face, "I would feel guilty"

"Don't!", he patted my back, "you are our friends, and let's be honest, without sounding like a dick; we can easily afford it"

"Well we are going to have to give you something!", Charlotte said, "but thank you so much! I can't believe you're not going to live 2 minutes away from me, for 3 months"

"I know honey", Calum stroked her arm, "it's hard for us as well!"

"This is your job, we understand", I smiled and said calmly because he seemed quite upset.

"Anyway, let's make the most of our time together!", Michael exclaimed and lifted his glass, "to life on the road", he said in a Southern American accent.

"To life on the road", we all replied in the same accent.

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