Do Me A Favour

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*January 25th- 8:35pm*
-Norah POV-

Me and Michael met up with everyone in the bar in London and had a drink together. When we got there, Calum was using the hat I bought for him and drinking Fosters with Luke.

"Happy birthday Calum!", I smiled and we all raised our glasses to him.

"Let's enjoy our night!", he grinned and sipped his beer.

I was sat next to Michael again, and he kept glancing over to me and smiling.

"You always dress really cool", Ashton smiled and gestured to my outfit "like no matter where we are"

"I wish I was cool", I laughed, "but thank you, you look good too Ash"

"I thought I should make an effort considering it's this arsehole's birthday", he smiled, "but cheers Norah"
Michael wrapped his arm around me and started speaking to everyone. He caught me off guard and I jumped slightly.
"Should we go to the club?", he announced.
"Yes, come on let's go", Luke snapped and threw a fiver on the table for our waitress. Luke was never normally that arsey but I just thought he was getting a bit edgy about me and Michael wanting to stay.
Michael dragged my arm out of the bar and into the taxi. We were the only ones in the taxi at this point, and we were panting from running to the taxi. I landed on his lap and laughed. I was looking into his eyes, and I could feel myself moving closer to him as he was catching his breath. My lips slightly brushed on his and he pushed me off his lap. I gave him a filthy look when Luke and Ashton sat in between us, leaving me high and dry.

-Luke POV-
My heart felt like it was in my throat, my stomach tensed up- I couldn't believe what I saw what Michael and Norah were about to do. I realised that there was something between them since we met, but I didn't know if that was just friendship or not. I was never the guy who was particularly cool with girls, but it was different with Norah. She was my friend, but we had such a deep connection- she always called me and we talked about life. But I think she just saw me as 'one of the lads', and I don't think I was ever going to be anything more to her.
I decided that I was going to pretend I never saw them in the taxi, and that everything was normal- I wanted to see what would happen with her and Michael. It wasn't her fault, she had no idea how I felt, but at that time, I felt so shitty and annoyed at her even though neither of them had actually done anything wrong. It was too unlike Michael to do something like that, so I didn't take it personally. But at the time, I was fuming with rage.

-Norah POV-
"Noooooraaaaahhhh", Ashton was sat next to me taking the piss out of my name. I didn't even know where everyone else was at this point, so I just put up with his bullshit until someone came back. Luke was sat with me, but he was being quiet compared to what he's normally like when we are together.
I was still angry from Michael in the cab, I couldn't believe that he would literally throw me off his lap.
I simply tried to stop thinking about it and attempted to locate Calum and Charlotte, who I assumed would be on the dance floor. Michael said that he was going to get drinks about half an hour ago, but he didn't come back.
I was in the mood for a really fun, drunken night after the ordeal with Michael, and I could tell that Luke needed it as well.

-Michael POV-
I approached the bar, still thinking about Norah in the cab earlier. I felt really guilty for literally throwing her off my lap, but I really didn't want Luke to see that, and think that I started making a move on her since I realised that he likes Norah.
"Michael!", out of nowhere, a girl called Naomi hugged me, "it's been so long! How are you?"

I met Naomi in Los Angeles about a year ago, and we had a bit of a thing together.

"I'm good, how are you? What are you doing in London?!"

"All my singing work is in England at the moment, so I'm temporarily living here", she smiled and took a sip of her drink. Naomi was quite small, with long black hair, and was quite tanned, I thought she was gorgeous! Even though something nearly happened with me and Norah, I didn't even know if she liked me or not, she never said anything to me, even though I've hinted to her how I feel so many times but she never realised. I just took what happened in the taxi as a result of alcohol and not feeling very confident. I had to keep her at arms length because of Luke. The whole thing was out of nowhere, because she has never shown any sort of feelings towards me. I knew, in that moment I had to move on, just to distract myself for Luke's sake, I had never known him like a girl as much as he liked Norah. But, she was already talking about other guys that she sees more often, and are insanely good looking. It didn't help that I was the guy giving advice to her about this 'Matty' guy.

This girl was great. Naomi had the same affect on me, as she did in the year before. She was fun, nice, she even liked our band.

She looked at me intently, gently squinting her eyes, expecting me to say something to her.

"Well, while you're here, do you want to do something?", I asked, immediately regretting it thinking that she would reject me. It's been a year, and we only lasted a month or two before I had to leave.

"...I'd love to", she smiled, "we haven't done anything since I met up with you in the hotel in Bel Air"

"Oh god", I cringed and laughed, "that was fun!"

"It was", she smirked and spotted her friend in the distance, so she started to head over towards them, through the bustling club, "listen Michael, call me! Here's my number, and I'll give you mine. I'd love to see you again"

"Okay, thanks! See you soon Naomi", I smiled, but she turned back around a hugged me.

-Norah POV-
*at the exact same time as that conversation*

"Nor...", Luke whined

"What?", I laughed, realising he was bladdered.

"Is something happening with you and Michael?", he asked

"What do you mean?", I scoffed

"Come on Norah, it's so obvious he likes you", Ashton rolled his eyes

"...what?!", my mouth dropped open, "he likes ME?!"

"I don't know how you didn't realise before", Ashton giggled, "I thought you knew because you acted the same back to him?"

"Yes of course, but I didn't realise that he was doing it to me in the first place. He was trying to give me advice about Matty when I tried to tell him earlier"

"...wait you like Michael?!", Luke gasped

"Could you not tell?", I smirked, realising how obvious it was for everyone

"Oh my!", he said in shock.

"Well, talk to him about it!", Ashton encouraged me.

"Ash...", I rolled my eyes

"I'm being serious!", he insisted

"...really?", I said, "but he said we were just friends the other day, he even threw me off his lap in the taxi when we were about to kiss"

"You have to say something!", Ashton said, "he told us that he likes you, I'm sure that taxi thing was just him trying to prevent us from freaking out. Go and say something...not now"

"I can't! I tried earlier but it ended up with him thinking I like another guy"

"Why not? You both feel the same", Luke shrugged. I don't know what it was; I think it was a mixture of what Luke said, and exhilaration pulsing through me.

"Fuck it!", I stood up, "I'll give it another try"

"Go on Nor!", Ashton cheered.

"Wish me luck", and as I said this, I turned to see a pretty girl embracing Michael and giving him her number.

Shit- I felt like shit

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