Beech Like The Tree

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-October 15th-

It was the night that 5sos were in Manchester, so me and Charlotte travelled back home to visit family for a couple of days, then we went to see them.
They had just performed that amazing set list again and we still couldn't breathe when they finished.
"Right...lets go see them!", Charlotte beamed with excitement, so we ran out of the crowded arena.
Michael had given us both passes so that we could come backstage to meet up with them afterwards, which was the most incredible thing. I now owned a backstage pass for 5sos!

As we walked, I had been thinking that I had been texting the boys every day, and I realised how amazing they are in real life as well as to their fans and during interviews. Obviously, there was that side to them where you had to be aware that they were still really famous boys. But whenever I just casually spoke to them, they were really fun guys to talk to, and completely normal...well not normal, but who is?

We walked through a sea of fans wearing their flannel shirts, ripped skinny jeans, bandanas and brightly coloured hair, and we ended up at a huge door labelled 'Private'. We assumed this was where we were supposed to be because of the amount of bouncers and guards near to it. The bouncer saw our passes and let us through, and we had to walk down a huge corridor. Eventually we got to their dressing room.

"Norah!", I opened the door to Luke shouting my name, "Hi Charlotte, what's up?!"

"I'm good thanks, I'm glad you showered before you saw us", she laughed, "well done it was an incredible show- again"

"Thank you!", Ashton said and walked over to pull us all in for a hug. I hadn't noticed Ashton in the room before, but I looked over and he was just wearing a towel and his hair was dripping. He looked so unreal. Luckily, they didn't notice me gawking at him, because I know that they would have took the piss out of me, and mistook me for liking Ashton.

"I'm sorry but this can only be a quick visit because we have to drive back to Cheshire", Charlotte explained.

"Aw that's shitty", Calum whined, "we are going to Europe as soon as this is finished as well..."

"How long are you there for?", I asked.

"We are there for about a month, I think, then we are in England for about two months writing, and... I'm not sure after that to be honest"

"We will probably go to America", Michael added

"Oh my god I forget how busy you are", I said

"Well...yeah but we are kind of used to it", he replied.

"This has been our life for about 5/6 years now", Ashton said from behind a changing screen, throwing his clothes on, "it's hard but we love doing what we do", he emerged drying his hair with a towel.

"I can tell", I smiled at him. I really could tell from the way he smiled when the fans sang their lyrics at their concerts.

"Can you not even come out for a drink?", Luke asked

"Well, I'm driving! I will come out and get some chips or something, but neither of us can 'sesh' it tonight, sorry", Charlotte said

"You're going to have to make up for this, the next time we are in London with you", Calum said with a smile, which made Charlotte smile at him as well, "come on, show us a decent place near here".

We found a bar near to where we parked our car and ordered pints of beer for everyone, except Charlotte. We talked for about an hour or two, just talking about random shit like we normally do. Considering they've been so successful, it's weird knowing that they had the same upbringing as me and Charlotte, watching the same shows, same music.

"Living in Britain must have been so good in about...2007, because that was like the prime of music", Ashton said

"Britain is always really good for music, I love it", I smiled, "have you ever been to a music festival here?"

"No, not like Glastonbury or Reading", Calum said.

"Oh my god, next year, we are taking you to Leeds or Reading because it's amazing", Charlotte got very excited, "it's the best atmosphere, and no one gives a shit about anything"

"Yeah we went to Leeds festival when we were 17, and Munich in the same summer, and we've never had so much fun", I laughed, "we've been to Germany twice, and both times Charlotte wasn't even 18"

"You seem like the best people to party with!", Luke smiled, "all your stories from a night out are really funny"

"Oh my god, you haven't even been out with us yet!", Charlotte said, "let us know when you're next in London and we are definitely going out"

"I'm gutted you have to go", Calum sulked.

"I know babe", Charlotte grabbed his face with one hand and squished his cheeks together, "we will see you soon though!"

"Are you going now?!", he asked angrily

"Well, yeah. It's like 2am!"

"Bye boys!", I said and hugged them all individually.

"See you soon Nor", Luke whispered as he grasped me tightly.

"Bye Norah!", Calum cuddled me.

"See ya Norah", Michael embraced me and stroked my back. I got butterflies when his breath went down my neck. I smiled as I let go, and saw Luke looking at me as he was hugging Charlotte.

But before I knew it, Ashton put his arms around me. "Bye Norah, see you in London!"

The boys waved us off. And I thought that we could have stayed and drank with them, but we had to get back so that we could get a train back to University in the afternoon. To cheer us up, we FaceTimed our friend Nina. We blasted End Up Here, and sang our hearts out as Charlotte drove. I was even playing the bass lines.
"HOW DID WE END UP HERE?", the song finished and we tried to catch our breath back.
Nina couldn't stop laughing, she knew how excited we were to finally meet up with 5 Seconds of Summer.

I had fell asleep but my phone starting pinging non stop, so I woke up to check what was happening.
"You're such a prick", Michael text me with a video attached to it of us singing to 5sos.

"What the fuck?!", I shouted.
"What-what's going on?", Charlotte asked.
"Nina fucking recorded us and now Michael has seen us singing"
Charlotte burst out laughing and she couldn't stop.
"It's not funny!", I asserted.
"No, no it really is", Charlotte got her breath back, "why are you so bothered?"
I sighed and thought, why Michael, out of all the people? We got on so well, and when I text him, I was more wary about what I replied to him saying than the others, and I was still nervous texting them as well. He had this effect on me that I hadn't realised before.

I kept checking my phone and it had exploded with twitter notifications. It turns out, Nina's video spread across the whole fandom so loads of people ha seen it and tweeted it to him. He retweeted Nina's original post with him adding- 'this is amazing! Tell @norah.green1 she's the best'.

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