Welcome to Paradise

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*May 29th, 7:51am*
-Norah POV-
I woke up really early because my mind was still in English time, but everyone else was still asleep, so I decided to prepare breakfast for everyone and go to the 'grocery store' for food; as Naomi would say.
I walked to the shop, and I swear to god, Los Angeles looked exactly like the photos you see on Tumblr and Instagram; there was palm trees, and I could even see the Hollywood sign. I still felt a bit guilty that the boys had paid for me and Charlotte to go here, but if if meant that we could see them, I would have done anything.
I bought everything and arrived back at the house and everyone was awake and waiting for me.
"Good morning!", they all greeted me.
"Hiya!", I smiled, "bacon, eggs and hash browns?"
"Sounds great", Ashton beamed, "I love how you guys are here"
"I know!", Charlotte said, "let's just chill out today?"
"We should", Calum said and pecked her on the cheek, "do you need any help Norah?"
"Urm...", I said and he approached me on the other side of the room. Everyone else just carried on talking.
"What the hell was wrong with you last night?", he whispered seriously but laughed.
"I don't know!", I said desperately, "Calum I feel shitty"
"I know Norah...this whole thing with Matty isn't helping", he said, "you need to start figuring out feelings quicker"
"I know, you are so right...", I sighed, "I might call Matty actually- I never do things over the phone but I can't wait until I get back"
"Will calling Matty really help you?", he asked, "I'm sorry but Mikey is happy, and no one can change that; believe me if I could decide, it would be you rather than her. But it's Michael's choice and if he's happy with Naomi, we can't do anything. I know him, he will obviously always have feelings for you, but he was really hurt because you were never honest with him and you never told him how you felt- and I don't think he can go through that again... I'm sorry", he said and hugged me.
"Wow Cal...", I sighed, "...thanks; I guess?"
"What?", he laughed, "thank you?"
"Yes, I needed to be told, he must have felt like shit a few months ago", I said.
"It's alright mate", he reassured me, "you are closer than ever, so that's a good thing!"
"I know...he really means a lot to me", I said
"Let's all just have fun today, yeah?", he smiled
"Alright Calum", I smiled back.
I took everyone's breakfasts to the table and we sat and ate our meals, just having a laugh with each other, like in London.
"That was delicious Norah", Naomi smiled at me, "now, are you coming to try and tan?"
"I wish I tanned", I pouted, "but yeah I will, I'll go get changed now"
"I will come up with you", Charlotte said and followed me upstairs, "...I didn't realise you and Naomi were such good friends", she mockingly nudged me.
"Fuck off!", I laughed, "she's nice to me, and Michael, so I should be nice to her?"
"That's fair...", she shrugged her shoulders, "as long as our Michael is happy"
"He seems to be! He has never even complained about her to me, and he tells me everything", I said
"I'm not trying to be funny", she began one of her rants, "me and Calum haven't seen each other in months so obviously, last night, we were acting a bit clingy with each other. But Naomi practically lives here and she is always kissing him and clinging to him"
"He's worse back to her...", I added, "I understand what you mean, it's a bit annoying; especially when you're single, but you just have to accept them"
"Are you actually single?", she asked me
"Well...yeah", I shrugged my shoulders, "I haven't actually asked Matty what he wants from this thing between us, but I'm assuming that he is seeing other girls"
"Talk to him about it!", she said
"That's exactly what Calum said to do, I'm skyping him later", I said
"Good on you...now let's piss about in a pool!", she said and ran down the stairs and jumped in the pool.

-Charlotte POV-
We were all sat in the garden, at a table, all eating nachos and drinking beer. I've never felt so relaxed in all my life. All the stress from university absolutely melted away. I noticed Norah get up and glance at me before she left, so I knew that she was calling Matty.
"What's the best beer?", Michael asked me
"Personally, Desperado's or San Miguel- what about you?", I said
"I have to stay Australian and say Corona, even though I'm warming to Budweiser...", he admitted
"Shame on you", Ashton shook his head at Michael
"I know, I feel guilty", he laughed
"You should!", Luke snapped
"Fuck off Luke", he rolled his eyes, "where's Calum?"
"He went to the toilet like half an hour ago, I don't know where he is", I said
"Probably having a shit", Luke said
"Even a shit doesn't take half an hour", Ashton said, "Calum where are you?!", he shouted
"Here I am!", he screamed from inside the house and ran and jumped into the pool. He landed on the lilo, and he posed for us because it was actually quite impressive, how he managed to keep his balance. But, his swimming trunks slipped down and his whole penis was hanging out and he didn't even realise. Judging by the look on our faces, he looked down to check, and he ended up slowly tipping forward and fell in to the water. Me and Ashton genuinely couldn't believe what had happened and we just looked at each other and screamed with laughter.
"It's not funny", he said while pulling up his pants.
"Thank god it wasn't the Cliffaconda", Michael sighed, "or you would have all fainted"
Me and Ashton looked at each other again, and started absolutely crying with laughter. This lasted for at least 10 minutes, non stop, it was hilarious! I was gutted Norah missed it. In the midst of all of this, she walked back outside looking alright.
I pulled her into the kitchen, telling everyone we were getting them all beers, to talk to her.
"So, what happened?", I asked
"Well...apparently, Matty really likes me", she said
"That's great! Why aren't you happier?", I asked her, "what did he actually say?"
"I am happy", she said, "he said how much he was enjoying seeing me, and he wanted to keep it going. He said he was glad that I called him while I was thinking about it, and he wants to actually have a relationship with me"
"Norah!!!", I screamed and hugged her, "I really like Matty, I'm so happy for you"
"I know, this happened at a really good time for me", she said.
"Are you going to tell everyone? Because Calum knows you rang him", I said
"Yeah, but I don't want to be awkward by having a 'big reveal', but I want them to know. I will tell them tomorrow", she said, "I can't believe it, someone wants to go out with me"
"You've earned this darling", I said and clinked bottles with her, "by the way what's your favourite beer?"
"It's hard, but I used to be obsessed with Bud but now I've moved onto Corona", she laughed, "why?"
"No reason"

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