Everything I Didn't Say

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-August 17th, 21:49-
*Norah POV*

Calum's house was buzzing with atmosphere and laughter. I had finally met everyone who were important to all of the boys. Calum's mum made the best food and everyone had been drinking all day.
I was sat outside with Ashton on the back garden patio discussing Luke.
"Come on Norah! You have to talk to him about it soon! You've barely spoke to him all night", he drunkenly rambled.
"I know I haven't but I wanted a private area where we could talk", I said, but I was interrupted by Calum's back door opening, where Luke was stepping outside.
"Is everyone alright?", he laughed nervously, realising we were talking about something serious.
"More than alright, you'll be happy when Norah is done talking to you", Ashton stood up and put his arm around Luke.
"Really?", Luke played along, laughing at Ashton. I was so nervous now that Ashton had been hinting to Luke.
"I'll leave you both to it!", he walked into the house, smiling through the glass door which made me giggle.
"So, what's going on Nor?", Luke smiled and led me towards their pool. All I could hear were the crickets and the water from the pool gently trickling against the sides. I couldn't hear my heart beat, which wasn't normal considering how nervous I was, it just shows I was ready to tell Luke.
"I don't know where to start really", I laughed nervously, and placed my feet into the pool and sat on the edge, "me and Matty broke up"
"...really?", he slowly sat down next to me, rolling up his jeans so he could put his feet into the water as well.
"I knew it was coming, things hadn't been going great recently so it was a mutual thing", I said
"I'm not surprised really, I could feel the tension between you both!", he admitted, "so was there any particular reason?"
"Yes!", I quickly said, "I mean there was lots of little things but yes there was a main reason...Luke?", I turned to him
"Yeah Nor?", he reassured me and placed his hand around me.
"Lately, I've...realised that I...have feelings for you", I said really quietly and looked outward towards the pool.
"Really? Nor...you mean real feelings", he said in shock.
"Yep", I said quickly due to nerves, "you were just always there for me and I really appreciated it, then I realised maybe you were the guy I actually needed. That's why I've been acting weird recently. You're such a nice guy and I'm sorry for not telling you everything sooner and I'm sorry if I've ruined our friendship...", I said quickly and tried to stand up to walk away.
"Wait Norah!", Luke pulled my hand, "you haven't ruined anything. When you were coming on to me before I thought it was just because you were so drunk everytime, but I've been scared to tell you I like you as well, and I have done since we met"
I slowly turned my head to him, with wide eyes and kissed him.
I kissed Luke.
Shit, it actually happened and it felt so right. It was even better than the time before because we both meant it and it was life changing.
The last month or two have been a complete whirlwind for me and all the stress melted away in that one moment.
Luke pulled away and widened his eyes and was looking at something behind me.
"What's wrong?", I asked. I turned around, and saw Michael stood there. He was really shocked, and he just stared at us. He walked over, while kicking his shoes off and placed his feet in the pool next to us.
"It's boiling in there!", he sighed, "...Luke, can you give me and Norah a bit of time alone?"
"Yeah of course", Luke quickly stood up and smiled at me as he walked away.

"Yes Michael?", I asked. My heart was beating so fast, I wasn't ready to talk to him about everything.
"Do you really like Luke or is this just another of your-?"
"No, I do I really do like him!", I interrupted him, "...that's why me and Matty broke up"
"Really?", he asked in shock, "to be honest, this whole thing with Luke isn't coming out of nowhere has it?"
"No...", I said quietly
"Can I be really rude and ask...", he laughed nervously, "did you start having feelings for Luke before me or after?"
"Erm...I'm not sure, we always had something but I only realised that I felt that way after you...", I stopped talking as soon as I realised how harsh it sounded.
"If you're willing to break off what you had with Matty...I'm really happy for you two", he smiled and hugged me, "it might take a little while for me to adjust but I really am happy for you"
"Thank you so much Michael", I said and leant my head on his shoulder, "we've been through a lot together, I think you'll always be my favourite"
"I better be! When you were pissed off at Matty and we went to the pub, I paid for all them drinks", he laughed
"Shit really? And there was a lot of them as well", I laughed, "that was a funny day"
"Yeah practically carrying home you and Ashton is a good memory for me", Michael said, then we heard the opening notes to Bohemian Rhapsody, "...come on let's go inside and sing"

So we stood up and walked into the house together, parallel and distant from each other. We were off to start a new chapter of our lives, separate from one another.

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