Beverly Hills

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*May 30th, 9:31am*
-Norah POV-
I gently opened my eyes, and the sound of an acoustic guitar was softly playing downstairs, and I recognised that it was a Twin Atlantic song, so I quickly headed to the living room.
"Happy birthday!", they all shouted and set off party poppers, as I walked into the room.
"Oh my god, I shit myself!", I screamed, "but thank you guys!"
"We have only got some daft things for you", Luke smiled and handed me a small pile of presents.
"Don't be daft! You paid for me and Charlotte to come to Los Angeles, I will never be able to repay you", I giggled and sat next to him and hugged him from the side.
"These are from all of by the way", Calum added, as I tore into the first present.
It was a black and white printed maxi dress, sandals, with a straw hat on top, and it looked so cool together.
"Aw this is so nice! Thank you all so much", I grinned to everyone
"I saw the hat and thought that you would love it, so I slipped it in last minute", Ashton smiled, "...okay open the next one"
The next present was some sunglasses, alongside some mascara.
"This is all so lovely!", I sighed, "you are all too nice"
"Okay this next present is definitely from everyone else", Naomi said.
I opened it and it was the one Lower Than Atlantis album I didn't have, physically, and they all knew how much I wanted it, so I absolutely beamed when I opened it.
"I've looked everywhere for the physical album and I have never found it!", I said and opened the case, and inside, was a ticket to go to see them live in July 29th. I absolutely screamed and hugged everyone in the room, even Naomi and she said it wasn't from her.
"I know you're already buzzing Norah...", Michael said, "but we have also arranged to go for a beer with them after"
"Oh of course you wrote with them!", I said breathlessly, "that is the best thing ever I've ever heard! I love them so much, you know me too well. Thank you... I love you all so much"
"Fuck off Norah", Ashton laughed, "what do you want to do today?"
"What we did yesterday but go out for a meal then come back and get really drunk?", I said
"That sounds really good actually", Michael admitted, "we found a good restaurant in Beverly Hills that does good curry?"
"That's what I've been craving for a couple of days now!", I turned to Charlotte in shock.
"I know! I'm excited for it, but can we eat breakfast first?", she said
"Considering it's your birthday, what about IHOP?", Luke laughed
"Yes! That was my favourite part about America when I went to Florida", I said
"Fuck it...let's go to IHOP", Ashton sighed, got his car keys and laughed.
In the car, on the way there, they played Justin Timberlake just for me, because they know I've loved him since I was a kid, and they took the piss out of me because I genuinely still liked him.

I had the most amazing birthday! We got back from IHOP, and ate a huge breakfast, and chilled out all day, until we realised it was time to eat again. Obviously we had to be careful when we went out together, because the paparazzi and the fans were always on their tail, and it was even worse when they were in America. Two guards even came with us just in case!
I was so lucky to spend my 19th in America with my all time best friend, and 4 hot Australian lads who also happen to be my best friends. I wouldn't class Naomi as a 'best friend'...or even a friend! She was alright to me but there was definitely something off about the girl the more time I spent with her in America. But I didn't like to think about it in a bad way, because she's Michael's girlfriend and it looked like I was bitter to her because of that.
I was sat on a sun bed, sipping my beer, and everyone was running wild around me, but I was nearly drifting off to sleep because I was so relaxed.
"Norah!", Naomi shouted out of nowhere, "we should probably go get ready?"
"Oh yeah", I realised that my hair was full of chlorine.
I quickly jumped in the shower and let my curly hair dry naturally. I slipped on the maxi dress and sandals that they bought me. The hot water brought out all my freckles and slightly pink skin even more.

I got a snapchat from Matty saying happy birthday, as he was looking after Nick while he was hammered. He was mumbling happy birthday as well.

"We decided to go out and celebrate with out you. Its like 4 in the morning here, so I knew you would be awake in your timezone. Hope you've had a great day, we all love and miss you!", he smiled.

I thought I should send something back so I sent a photo of me and Charlotte all ready for the night. I never normally send decent photos over snapchat but because it was early stages with Matt, I felt like I should.

"Ashton!", I shouted down the stairs, "do you want to call the taxi now?"
"Alright Norah!", he shouted back, "it will be here in about an hour- they are really busy"
I went downstairs after Charlotte helped me by putting some makeup on me.
"You're fucking helpless aren't you?", she laughed, "you can barely do anything yourself"
"I'm better than you! It's just with makeup and looking nice I'm not great at", I laughed.
"Well you actually look gorgeous tonight Norah", she smiled at me as she finished.
"Really, Charlotte?", I asked.
"Yes, Naomi will be fuming", she smiled and walked down stairs. I rolled my eyes and followed her.
I knew that nothing was ever going to happen with Michael, despite everyone around me always forcing it on me, but he seemed happy and I was happy for him. I really enjoyed seeing him after so long, especially somewhere where he was happy and comfortable. I wanted my birthday to be a day where I spent quality time with the people I adore, and it was even better to have it in America where I could completely forget about Matty and everyone at home. I did want to start something more serious with Matty, but at the time, I didn't want to think about him.
I went to sit outside to look at the pink sky, and Luke came out to join me with a bottle of beer.
"Naomi is still getting ready", he rolled his eyes and handed me the bottle.
"Okay...cheers Luke!", I said and held out my bottle towards him.
"Happy birthday Norah!", Luke smiled and clinked his beer with mine.
"Thanks!", I grinned at him. I realised he was holding something from me so I just looked at him until he started to talk.
"...don't get me wrong, I want Michael to be as happy as possible, but I don't want him to be with Naomi", he admitted.
"I've noticed that everyone has started to not like her, is it just because you see her all the time?", I said
"No...well yeah, but it's because she uses Michael and he doesn't even realise. If her career ever kicked off, she would leave him within a second, and I'm not just saying that. She knows Michael has media attention on him so she uses it to gain publicity", Luke said.
"Why are you so sure that she would leave him?", I asked.
"Because every time we meet up with attractive guys who are successful, she openly flirts with them", Luke said, "you know me, I don't like to have an issue with anyone, but it's hard not to"
"...Is he really in love with her?", I asked.
He simply nodded and sighed and took a sip of his drink. Luke is not the kind of guy to talk about people the way he just talked about Naomi. I really took what he said seriously, but I didn't let it get to me so much that anyone would notice. From the way he was talking, Michael looked like a mug because he didn't realise how she treat him.
"I'm glad you told me, it shows a lot about her personality", I said.
"She might be good for someone else, but not for our know I would tell you anything", he said.
"I do the same for you!", I smiled.
"How are things with Matty, are you both still just having sex?", he asked. I laughed and shook my head at him.
"Actually, I rang him and he said that he wanted to start something more serious", I said
"Norah that's really good!", his jaw dropped and he patted my back.
"I know, finally, a lad who wants to date me!", I giggled.
Luke suddenly scowled at me and looked away.
"Well, you know what I mean? I know that he likes me", I said to try and defend myself.
"Come on, give Michael some credit, he tried so many times! He liked you for ages", he said
"...what do you mean?", I asked in shock.
"I don't get you, you're really cool and trustworthy, and you can tell how anyone is feeling just by looking at them. But you're so oblivious when it comes to you. You don't pay attention when people give you attention. Norah you really bug me sometimes!", he snapped.
"Come on Luke and Norah, we are leaving!", Calum shouted from inside.
Luke looked at me and slowly stood up to walk towards the house.
"Happy birthday, Norah!", he said sarcastically and had his back to me, and raised his bottle in the air.
Jesus Christ, I was shocked about what Luke just did, normally he wouldn't be so cutting.
These lads really are loyal to each other.

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