Shake Me Down

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*November 20th, 10:32pm*
-Norah POV-

"Happy birthday Clifford!", I smiled through Skype, "sorry it's late but I've been at work all day- how was your day?"
My face actually lit up when I saw him, I missed him so much. Michael was one of the best things in my life at that moment and for him to be in another country was hard.
"It's been really good actually Nor, thanks!", he smiled back at me.
"Where are you today?", I genuinely asked, because they move around so quickly.
"We are in Germany! The beer is amazing here", he said, " would know"
"I do love beer", I sighed. We talked for about an hour about everything possible, and we laughed together so much. Talking to this guy felt as if we were in our own little world, and nothing else mattered. Sometimes, just sometimes, I really believed there was something between us. I didn't know if it was just because I liked him so much, that I imagined him acting the same way back. We had the same interests, the same sense of humour, the same personalities even! Obviously we argued about little things, but they were never arguments, just debates about stupid little things. I couldn't picture a day going by, without even a text from him. Normally I'm not like this around guys, but he meant a lot to me- I couldn't even explain how he makes me feel. This sounds cliched, but my heart does little backflips when he smiles at me or when he looks at me.
"Norah...", he began out of nowhere
"What babe?", I smiled, and shook off what I was thinking before.
"Would you say that we were friends?", he asked. I really had to think about my reply, because of course he was my friend, but I didn't know if he would take it as me friend-zoning him. I really didn't want that because I liked him so much. Then again, this was Michael Clifford, I don't think he meant it as anything else, so I simply repeated the question back to him.
"would you say that we were friends?", I said hesitantly.
"...yeah I would Nor", he smiled at me.

Fuck. He does think of us as friends. For a moment, I thought he liked me. Normally, I complain about girls always talking about little things that guys do that makes them think that they like them, but that's exactly what I did with Michael. I'm so hopeless with guys, I don't know what anything means, I don't know how to react to anything...sometimes I wish that I could read minds. But from my perspective, it looked as though Michael thought we were friends, therefore, so did I.
I'll get over it....

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