Lost In Stereo

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*February 11th, 0:35am*

-Norah POV-

We were at the hotel bar where the boys were all staying, after we left a bar in the city centre.

"Should we get another round?", Michael asked me. I nodded in reply and we approached the bar together.

"So have you seen Naomi recently?", it slipped out of my mouth.

"Yeah actually, we been hanging out a lot", he leaned on the bar, resting his chin on his arm, "we text all the time as well"

"That's nice for you", I smiled and turned to face the bar man again.

"Is there anything happening with you?", he smirked

"Unfortunately, no", I glanced at him.

"Not even with anyone from your university?", he asked

"Nope", I said quite bluntly. I realised how bitchy I must have looked to him, it wasn't his fault, he just so happened to bump into a hot, American ex-lover as I was about to confess my feelings to him, then kissed mine, and his best friend.

"I'm kind of surprised actually!", he smiled at me.

"Can you blame them all?", I shrugged my shoulders and looked down, "I spend all my time talking about rock music and celebrities I find hot"

"Add gaming in there, and I am you", he said, "no, but seriously, whenever you're upset or annoyed or confused about anything- you know who to turn to".

I looked up at him, and he was smiling at me, and he was looking at me as if I was the only person he cared about or even could see in that moment. This guy really cared about his friends and I knew I could trust him with anything.

"Thanks Mikey", I smiled, "the same goes for you, I give the best advice"

"It's true, I know you do- especially when you give girl advice to Luke and Calum", he said and checked his phone, "I might actually have to talk to you soon"

This made me snap out of my Michael Clifford haze, and back into reality. I really liked this guy, and what's worse, I started to like him more since I knew that I couldn't move forward with him. Feeling like shit, I took the rest of the beers back to the table with Michael. Luke was sat smiling at me from across the room.

Charlotte widened her eyes at me, and I just dismissed her, because I know she was trying to say something about me and Michael talking. I missed him- since that moment in the club, I held myself back from him more than normal and I think he started to realise this. Usually we spoke for hours everyday, but when they came to visit me, he noticed my behaviour change more. I felt awful for acting like this, because it wasn't his fault! But for my own good I didn't want to like him even more, but I missed him so much I still wanted to talk to him like before.

"Whenever any of you are free, let me know and you can come stay with me!", I said to distract myself, "it's only an hour train ride away"

"We will actually, next week Michael and Luke are writing together for like 2 days- should me and Cal come up?", Ashton asked.

"Yes, seriously you should!"

"Sorted, let's do it!", Calum rubbed his hands together, "are you coming with us?"

"I'm not sure, I'll check my uni schedule", Charlotte said, "hopefully."

"Then me and Luke will come up when Calum and Luke are writing", Michael beamed.

"I'm going to come down before you go to America as well", I added

"Oh my god it's two weeks today", Michael said, "I can't believe it!"

"I know...", Charlotte said, "well, we will visit you!"

My phone started to ring and it was Matty ringing me to tell me that him and Ryan were waiting for me outside the hotel to pick me up.

"I have to go guys, but thank you so much for surprising me!", I smiled

"Any time doll", Ashton embraced me.

"...doll?", I laughed

"Fuck off!"

I said good bye to everyone else, and I got into the car with the lads.

"How was your night?", Ryan asked

"Good yeah thanks", I grinned

"Anything with Michael?"

"No!", I laughed

Normally I don't talk about stuff like that with people, but because I lived with these people, I knew everything about their lives and they knew everything about mine. Plus, they gave amazing advice about everything. I haven't told them about what happened with Luke though, and I don't plan to, and I don't think he plans to tell his friends either.
Why was I still thinking about it so much?

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