Did You Hear The Rain

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-August 17th, 9:37am-
*Norah POV*

I woke up in Luke's bedroom where I could hear Matty in the next room getting ready. I quickly got of bed and walked into his room and smiled at him.
"Morning!", he smiled as he put on his t shirt.
"Morning", I smiled, "Ashton is picking us up in about half an hour"
"Aw okay, you want pancakes?", he smiled and dragged me into the kitchen.
Nothing felt awkward, it felt like we were genuinely friends and there was no hard feelings after last night. As he cooked the pancakes, he talked about me telling Luke how I feel.
"You've ended a long term relationship for this guy, you have to tell him how you feel as soon as you see him!", he said
"I'm just nervous...I know he liked me at one point but I don't know if he feels the same I do now!", I said
"Trust me, you'll be fine Nor...I really do hope you're happy if it does happen with him, because I know you would be happier with Luke than you ever were with me", he said as he placed my pancakes on my plate.
I simply looked at him, he knew how grateful I was for everything he had just said. I was grateful I could talk about this with him after everything we've been through.
"Come on lass, woof that down you before Ashton is here", he laughed and I tucked into the pancakes.


"I'm outside :)"

I quickly locked up Luke's flat after Matty had tidied everything away.
"So how was your night?", Ashton asked with a smirk, expecting us to have dirty details. Me and Matty simply burst out laughing and shook our heads.
"Erm...we've decided not to see eachother anymore", he eventually said to Ashton
"Oh...well I'm sorry to hear that!", he said in shock.
"We're alright though, we've made a deal that we will still be friends as long as we're both happy", he turned to face me in the back seat and smiled.
"I'm sure we will be", I smiled back at him.
We laughed the whole way home to Calum's family house in the suburbs, where they were hosting a party to welcome everyone home, inviting everyone's friends and families.

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