Whole Truth

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-14th July-
*Norah POV*

Matty had to go back to Birmingham early in the morning, to meet with his subject teacher. He gently kissed me awake and hugged me goodbye. Of course, I was still half asleep and I just mumbled goodbye without getting up or anything.
I was hanging...I didn't feel sick, but my head was throbbing.
Last night was so much fun, but I did suffer the consequences from Matty.
Closing my eyes, I attempted to roll back to sleep, but I was interrupted by the door opening.
"Good morning", Luke and Michael smiled at me, holding a tray of toast, a glass of icy water, and a tub of Nutella.
"...thank you lads", I groaned, "that's so sweet of you"
They both laughed when I sat up to start eating my breakfast.
"Not going to lie Norah...you look shit", Michael giggled and patted my shoulder patronisingly.
"Aw don't listen to Michael!", Luke laughed and plonked himself down on the bed.
"It's alright, I didn't take my makeup off, and I'm guessing my hair is shit-", I gasped when I caught my reflection in the mirror, "holy shit! I look horrendous"
Both lads laughed at me attempting to fix myself, but it wasn't really helping me look any better.
I was far too comfortable with them.
Seeing both of them side by side made me realise something.
I loved the idea of Michael more than Michael himself- a guy was finally giving me romantic attention for the first time in my life, and I clung onto that. When I couldn't have him, I liked him even more! He was a huge crush when I first got into 5 Seconds of Summer, and when I met him, I freaked out and thought everything he did was perfect. He couldn't fault in my eyes.
Seeing him smile at me, made me feel special but not like he used to make me feel. I had spent too much time thinking about him, talking to him. He was still one of my best friends, and I will always feel something for him but we would never last if we were actually together. Our argument in LA was painful for me.
Whereas Luke having a go at me in LA, was to knock me down a peg, which I needed. He picked a necessary fight.
Michael didn't. He knew I was wound up, and wound me up even further, but in a dark way. He kissed me, and he knew that would get to me.
Everything seemed too quick. I had changed emotions so quickly- all because of a dream. It caused me to think of Luke in that way...I was so sure it would just be a phase.
Anyway, we giggled away as I ate what they had given me for breakfast.
"Thank you...what made you do this?", I asked
"Well yesterday was shit for you and we guessed that you would feel shitty now....and now we feel shitty because we have been called for a meeting with management", Michael explained
"Oh right okay...me and Charlotte can just stay can't we?", I said
"Yeah that's fine, but we actually have to go like now- so have fun", Luke grinned as he walked out of the room and blew a kiss to me.
"You too!", I shouted as I heard Calum and Ashton emerge from their rooms to leave.
"...just you and me then Norah?", Charlotte smirked and got into bed with me.


I sat, and explained everything. Every emotion, every thought, every dream.
She just nodded and absorbed everything.
"Norah", she sighed, "as long as I've known you, lads have never been an issue, so why are they now?! I'll tell you why. It's because you loved the idea of a guy from 5sos, and you have been set on dating one of them since you were like 16. When that didn't actually happen like you expected it to, you met someone real- Matty. Someone you would have met whether we went to the bar that night or not. But that's not enough for you now, because you've seen me and Calum together and you know it can happen. Michael led you on, and you led Michael on. You weren't honest enough! Now this Luke thing is just to cause problems. You've always had a good relationship and because he gives you attention, and because he's in 5sos as well, you are drawn to him as well. But I don't think you were actually in love with Michael. You thought you were, but what you have with Matty is love. Even what you have with Luke is closer to love than what you had with Michael. He was too impatient with you and banged an American girl quickly...that wasn't cool. It was obvious you liked him- in my opinion anyway. Norah- as your friend- stay with Matty. He's stable and good. Yes you argued yesterday but that's a rare thing. Time in Australia might help...give it some time to think Norah. But please think about the Luke thing before you end what you have with Matty. If you feel strongly enough, you and Luke could be a good thing, but please consider everything before you do something you regret"
"Wow...thanks Charlotte", my mouth dropped in awe
"Anytime", she smiled and hugged me.
We stayed in bed for the rest of the day watching romcoms.
I loved having a traditional girl talk.

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