The Bonfire Night

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I entered my hotel room. Lexi left to get some medicines for me that doctor has prescribed.

After quickly taking a shower, I changed into shorts and flopped on the bed. The bed was so comfortable and soft.

Then heard a noise from my stomach cause I've not fed him anything. I called the room service but no one was answering. Then I decided to call Lexi and realized her phone was lying on the bed beside me. 

Gathering all my energy I got up from the bed and headed out to the cafe. So, that I can order some food for my poor hungry stomach.

Closing and locking the door behind me headed towards the cafe. The corridor was silent and quite horrifying too. Not even a single soul was there.

Where is everyone?

I checked the time and it was 9 at night. So everyone might be in the club or something. I so wanted to enjoy in the club too.

I finally reached the cafe, no one was there except the staff. I quickly order my sandwich and waited. 

"Hey! Do you have any idea where is everyone?" I asked the guy at the counter

"Oh yeah! Today is bonfire night, everyone is out there in the forest. " he gave me my sandwiches and gave a genuine smile.

"Thanks for informing," I said to him in a pleasant manner

Wanting to enjoy every bit of this trip. I can't miss the bonfire night. I've heard a lot about it. I wanna go too.

"Do you by any chance know the way to the bonfire? " I asked him with curiosity

"Yeah, sure! Go to the back door then take a left and you'll reach your destination" he instructed me the directions and I couldn't wait to go there.

I need to call Lexi and ask her to accompany me.

"Why the fuck are you outside your room?" I saw her standing with a bag of medicines and yelling at me.

Think of the beauty and she is here.

"I was hungry and just wanted to eat" I shrieked at her but with a smile.

She cares about me too much.

I impatiently rushed towards her and she looked pissed.

" Today is the bonfire night! We need to go there" I shouted in excitement

"No girl, we ain't going anywhere" and with that, she headed towards the corridor

"Please! I don't want to miss it, Lexi. I will do whatever you want me to do but please let's go" I pouted in front of her

"Bitch! You are really irritating." She said with a laugh

"So are we going? " I asked her happily

"How can I say no to my best friend," she said that with a wink

We both got ready and reached the destination.

The atmosphere there was so warm and cozy. I saw people playing the guitar, singing songs, couples having the best time of their life. I was loving the vibe.

"Emilia! You are here too " I saw Steve rushing towards me and crushing me with a hug.

When he hugged me, I saw Lexi diverting his eyes from us

He is a nice guy but not my type. Maybe he can be Lexi's type. I've heard Lexi praising Steve indirectly. Maybe she has a crush on him.

With that, a really nice thought popped in my head.  Why not Lexi and Steve get to know each other?

"Hahaha yes, how can I miss this night?" I asked him laughing at what I am about to do next.

Lexi was stating at me and I mouthed to her "don't kill me for this"

She raised her eyebrows and was shaking her head NO.

"SO Steve I was thinking why don't you and Lexi cheer up a bit while I make new friends" I smirked at my best friend and she was shooting flames from her eyes.

"Yeah, sure! I can give your friend a company" I send them a smile and With that, I left both of them alone.

But now I was all alone in here. No worries, let's make new friends.

While I was roaming in the forest, I saw a small way between the bushes. My body rejected to go in there but my insight made me go in the bushes.

While I went inside the bush. I saw a peaceful place to lay down and relax.

This place had a small lake in between a forest, and the moonlight was making the water silver. The sight was such a blessing to the eyes.
I kept on walking to explore the place more. That's when I saw someone lying down on the ground with knees pressed to its chest. The person's head was buried in his knees.

It was way too dark to figure who it was? So, I decided to talk to that person. I silently walked towards the figure and realised it was a boy.

He was shivering

"Hey! Are you alright?" I asked that person softly

When hearing my voice he stopped shivering but didn't say anything.

I shook his shoulder to make him comfortable and relax but i failed.

"Everything will be alright if you'll share with someone.  Trust me you will feel much better" I consoled him

"I have too gone through a lot in the past few days but here I am standing in front of you smiling " I tried to speak out

That's when he spoke

"You hate me, Emilia " it was his voice. From his vice it felt like he wasn't well.

I missed him so much.

I was shocked and dumbstruck to hear my name from his mouth.

What should I do next? Should I run and ignore whatever just happened? Or should I confront him just like what my mother said ?

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