The Trip Continued

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Emilia P.O.V.

" Mom and dad trust me I am fine now" I informed my parents with a smile on my face.

I don't want them to be here when I'm on a school trip.

"Emilia honey, it's better if you come with us. You've already been through a lot earlier and I and your father can't see you like that again" my mother pleaded me to accompany them.

"Mom, stop worrying about me. A minute ago the doctor came and informed us that I am ready to go. I fainted because of the minor head injury" my mom and dad didn't look pleased with my explanation.

"Emilia listen--" I interrupted my mother

"Please! I know you care about me but please let me enjoy this trip. I swear nothing will happen. " I made an innocent face

My parents looked disappointed but nodded at their heads.

There you go, Emilia! You've hit the bullseye.

"Okay, but always keep Lexi by your side. She will be updating us every day." my father told me in a convincing tone.

Between this argument, I forgot that Lexi was standing there listening to the entire conversation.

"Sure! The trip for about 10 days and I'll update you regularly. Don't worry about that " Lexi said with a genuine smile

"Emilia, we are leaving, and hopefully you stay away from that boy" My father warned me but I saw something in my mother's eyes that was not doing justice to the warning.

I think there is something my mother wanted to talk about.  I know my mother wants to tell me something but cannot say in front of everyone.

With that being said My parents hugged me goodbye and we're about to leave the hospital room. When I called out for mama.

"Mom, do you mind talking to me in private?" I asked my mother

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?" With that being declared sincerely my father and Lexi left the room.

"Do you wanna say something to me? I can see you are upset about something, I saw your face when dad yelled at Austin. Is there something related to him you wanna speak?" I asked my mother with a polite tone.

"Uh yes honey, don't get me wrong and without any thought listen to me first," she instructed with a serious tone.

I just nodded at her.

"Emilia, I think there must have been a misunderstanding between you two. I have met that guy before at our house. He was very kind and stayed with you the entire night just to protect. I saw love in his eyes when he talked about you, maybe it can be true. I don't know what happened between you two but just ignoring him will not do good, listen to what he wants to say on his behalf." Those words from my mother were a knife to my heart.

My eyes were filled with tears. I fucking love that boy at least I should trust him.

I hugged my mother tightly and with that, we went to our separate routes.

Lexi was driving and on my way to the hotel, All these thoughts appeared in my head.

Maybe this was all an understanding? Maybe he loves me? Maybe he was trying to tell me something that night?  Maybe I should go and confront him?

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