The one where he teased her

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The car ride was fun Steve was constantly making fun of Austin and as always he was getting irritated. But it was fun, I was having the bestt time.

We went inside the restaurant. Steve was doing all the talking. He told me about his and Austins fights and trust and so much more. Austin was alsoo smiling most of the time.

As I stepped out of the restaurant after having dinner , the cold wind caressed my skin and that hit me with a realisation that I forgot to wear something to make me warm.

My teeth started chattering. Suddenly, a jacket was slipped on my shoulders, withh the smell I realised it was his. How come he found out I was feelingg cold?

"What a gentleman my friend is" Steve winked at us smiling which made me blush.

Oh God! I love his smell, so refreshing!

"Stop it Steve" Austin yelled at his friend and he didn't even bother to listen to him.

"Let's click a picture, I want this moment to recorded" I informed both of them

Steve quickly took out his phone and clicked lots of selfies. The thing I found common in each photo was Austin, he was looking at me in all the pictures and that made my heart skip a beatt.

Finally, we decided to head back to our homes. We dropped Steve at his home and only Austin and I was left in the car.

We didn't say anything throughout our car ride but we both wanted to say a lot, we didn't.

I finally reached my home and got out of the car.

I wishh Austin just hold my hand and say please I want you Emilia, don't go!  Or something of that sort.

I was walking towards my door slowly when I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and turn me around. Now, we were facing each other.

Tell me I'm dreaming.

"Emilia, you forgot to give" he said in a very sensual tone

"Forgot to give what?" I asked him shyly

We were moving so close to each other. This is finally happening after a long time!

"You forgot to give my JACKET" Austin informed giggling to himself

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! " I was shocked and pushed him away from me.

"What were you thinking princess?" He asked   trying his best to not laugh

"You want your jacket right? TAKE IT AND FUCKING GO" I yelled at Austin and threw his jacket at him

The moment I reached the main door, a hand grabbed me and pulled me, hugging me from behind.

"Austin do not tease me again, I'm not falling in your jokes this time.LEAVE ME" I shouted at him and was trying my best to pull away from his grip but he was way too stronger than me.

"Sorry for teasing you, princess" he whispered in a sensual tone, he was so close to me that when he spoke his lips touched my ear.

A shiver ran down my spine.

"It's not okay. Now leave me Austin please" I told Austin in a shy tone, my cheeks tturninng into a brighter shade of red

"Okay I'll leave you, only on one condition" Austin informed smirking at me

"And what is that?" I asked getting irritated by his teasing but deep down I love what he was doing to me

"This" he said and turned me around facing him.

He cupped my cheeks and smashed his lips to mine.

I was caught off guard. I was shocked.


I wrapped my hands around him and gave in. 
I smiled in between our kisses but none of us backed up.

"I think we need to talk about us" Austin said in between the kiss.

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