The one where she's alone

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It's been 2 days since I haven't gone to school. I have no friends left in my life now. I am all alone. Lexi is not talking to me, I've not heard anything from Austin.

I am lying and sobbing on my bed for about 2 days just thinking about all the fights with my friends. I think Lexi was right about Austin. I defended Austin when Lexi spoke wrong about him but now Austin is only ignoring me and he out stroke me.

It was 8 in the evening and I decided to get up from my bed to order a pizza. 

I've been watching Romcoms for a long time.
That's when I heard the bell.

"It must be the pizza boy" I mumbled to myself and went to take my delicious pizza.

I opened the door and my heart dropped to see the sight of him. He was standing on my door. 

He was not in a good state. His eyes were blood red and his hair was all clumsy. Why is he in this state? What has gotten into him?

"What are you doing here?" I asked him cold heartedly

" to talk to you" he told me but his voice was different.  He was drunk.

"I don't want to talk to you Austin. Just leave me alone." I told him in a harsh tone

I can see all his anger has gone now. His eyes were all sad. A voice in my head said that maybe I should let him in so that he can explain himself but then all the things he said to me came through my mind.

"Please Emilia, let me explain" he was pleading.

With that I let him inside and closed the door.
I strolled towards the living room where I left my movie in the middle.

He quietly followed me to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Come on you have 5 minutes to explain yourself and after that I'll throw you out of my home" I instructed him with no emotions

"Umm...I...want to say that I am hungry" he mumbled with a pout

What is wrong with him? He is looking so cute. Emilia you should focus and not think about him.

"Austin,  For that you need to go to a restaurant. My home  is clearly not a restaurant" I replied to him in a harsh tone

He just sat there staring at me.

"Okay, the pizza is coming you can eat it and leave me alone" I told him

I proceeded with my movie.

"You used to call me that"  he whispered. His voice was so hazy that I could clearly figure out that he was drunk as hell.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow

"The movie" he said to me.

"Austin you are irritating me. Will you tell me what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked irritated by his answer

"You're watching Barbie. You used to call me that , princess" he whispered

"Yes but—" I was interrupted by the bell

What a perfect timing of the pizzaboy! I quickly rushed towards the door and took my pizza.

"Austin, now eat and get out of my house" I called out for him

He sat near me and took the first bite of the pizza. He didn't say anything and I was also enjoying my movie, trying my best to ignore him.

"Emilia—" he again broke the silence

I turned towards him to face him

"I am sorry for that day Emilia. I didn't mean to do that " he said to me his eyes all dazy

"Austin please I don't want your apology. You're drunk and will later regret saying this to me" I told him in a serious tone

"Emilia listen to me for once—" I interrupted him

"Austin just leave me alone." I yelled at him covering my face to control my tears

I heard the front door shut indicating he left.


It's been almost 10 days since Austin and I haven't talked to each other. I've often seen him in the corridor but he ignores as if he doesn't even know I exist.

Something is going on with him. He isn't the same anymore. He is looking dull and sick. He apologized to me, I shouldn't have said that to him. Should I ask him about his health?

Somebody's voice made me come out of the thoughts.


I ignored her and started walking towards my other class.

"HEY I AM TALKING TO YOU NERD" she shouted while  walking behind me

When I was about to answer I felt a hand pulled my hair. It was so painful that I almost lost my balance. She keep dragging me with my hair.

"Ah leave me Ashlyn! It's hurting" I cried out loud so that someone can help me fight her

I slowly started feeling dizzy. My whole body was aching so badly.

"ASHYLN FUCK YOU" I yelled at her

I will not lose my respect anymore. I will not surrender in front of her. I am stronger than her and will fight her.

"You have that much guts to talk to me like that in this situation. You know Emilia this will not help" she warned me with a wicked smile.

Everyone in the corridor  was staring at me but nobody was there to save me. The thing that broke my heart was Lexi was also standing there in the crowd but didn't save me from her. She was looking at me with a sad face but was not stopping what was happening with me.

Then I saw her leave.

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