The Revelation

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The Conflict
I tried my best to ignore him all day fearing his revenge and thankfully he was nowhere in sight, even during the Math class and I wondered happened to him.
But I was relieved too and after attending all the classes I went home.

I opened the door and headed straight to my room when I heared my mom, " Emilia you didn't tell me about your Maths test?"

WHAT!? How did she came to know about the test? Did the teacher call her? If I told her about my marks I swear she'll kill me.

"Umm, yeah I forgot about it, it was long time back I don't even remember the marks now." I lied.

"Well, thankfully your classmate Austin was kind enough to tell me ALL about it otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered, such a nice boy he is and he's even told me that he will be tutoring you from today. So I want you to get ready and go to his home."

Austin a nice boy? Hahahah what a joke. So he has called my mom and informed her about my marks, hmmmm so this is how he's plotting his revenge. But I will not got to his house and all his plans will fail, YEAH!!

I'll have to make an excuse now " Mom, actually I'm not feeling well and want to get some rest, okay see... "

"Enough with the excuses Emilia, you are going to his house RIGHT NOW, go and get ready. I'll drop you there myself." My mother shouted angrily.

Well looks like I have no other option then.

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