The one where they watch a movie together

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I don't know why Austin has surprised me tonight by turning up unannounced and I suddenly remembered my parents should be home tomorrow morning and I don't want them to see Austin here . Oh crap. I quickly changed into my clothes and walked back into the room and saw Austin shirtless, he hopped on my bed and was smiling at me which was enough to make me feel weak in the knees.

I went over to the side of the bed and pushed him off the bed.

"Did you just me pull me off the bed." Austin asked looking horrified.

Looking at him I started laughing and yelled at him "Yes!! My parents will be back soon you have to leave NOW."

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere princess I'll give you company till your parents are back and perhaps meet them too." He said and winked at me.

Why does he want to meet my family?

"Okay now let's watch a movie you choose- Zombies, Action or Crime?"

"No way we are not watching this kind of stuff we'll watch a good romantic movie."

Then I started running with the TV remote.

"Catch me if you can." I shouted and he chased me along the house.

We were both laughing and having fun.

Soon after he got tired "Ok ok you win play whichever movie you like, I give up." He said raising his hands.

I played the movie 'To All The Boys I've loved Before' and meanwhile he ordered pizza for us. It was fun having him here with me tonight.

He was sitting on the sofa so i went over to sit on the other side but he dragged me by arm and pulled me towards him.

"It's better now." He said while he kissed me on the cheek.

My cheeks turned a brighter shade of red. Did he really just kissed me?

After watching movie for some time he said " Who do you think is more hotter me or Noah?"

"Hmmm, it's definitely Noah." I said in return. Then he gave me a shocking look and pouted.

Seeing him all jealous made me laugh.

"Haha, don't get offended i was just joking."

He smirked and said " I knew it, it's hard to resist me."

Halfway through the movie we weren't paying attention to it anymore we started talking about all the random things and just teasing each other. We shared most of our secrets that we haven't shared with  anyone.

I was telling him a story about my previous school when I suddenly noticed that he has dozed off.

So I pulled a blanket over the both of us.

I turned my head towards him and noticed how handsome he is. He is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me.

And then it hit me like a lightning bolt- I like him. I enjoy every moment that  I spend with him, before he walked into my life I felt like I wasn't good enough and maybe that's why I've been treated like that in the past.
But now I'm happy with him.

Is it too soon to tell him? I don't want to scare him away.

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