{Script 1} Afternoon Tea Disaster {{Jekyll & Hyde Roleplay}}

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Jekyll: Ah welcome, I am honored you came all the way over to my facility for some afternoon tea. It's a blessing. I hope the trip wasn't too stressful.

Oh no, don't worry about the lateness. I am not too upset. I already know it'll take a while for a maiden like you to travel from the other side of London. *chuckles*

Please do come in and make yourself a home. I already got the tea prepared. Oh don't worry haha it's not cold. It's still nice and warm. Not too hot, not too cold. I did make your favorite kind of tea. Wanna hear it? Your favorite is lavender tea?

Really?! I got it right?! I knew it! I'm so happy I got it right the first time! *laughs* here is your tea m'lady. Lavender tea is great for soothing the mind and the body. Ideal if you've had a hectic day and are finding it hard to wind down. Lavender tea is another tea that will also soothe the stomach too. *chuckles*

I already know you're a little stressed due to the traveling you did. *laughs softly* oh? What am I drinking? I am having lemon balm tea. You see lemon balm tea is fragrant tea that can be used to treat anxiety and stress. It's very effective at calming the nerves and relaxing the body and it is also said to help improve memory and brain functions.

Well I am a scientist so it can be a little stressful. Experiments after experiments. Work after work. It can be slightly stressful to say the least. *laughs nervously* Oh you can either call me Dr. Jekyll or just Jekyll.

Hyde: Or you can call me Hyde~

Jekyll: Huh? What's wrong? You looked a little spooked. You heard another voice? Haha..nonsense..it's just the two of us.

Hyde: Or maybe three~

Jekyll: Whoa! What's the matter? You just jumped out of your seat like a spooked cat. Are you alright? Is the lavender tea not working out? I swore I put enough dried lavender flowers. Enough to sooth your mindset.

I am telling you M'lady, there's nobody else in the room. It's just the two of us. ....oh no... *screams in agony* bloody hell! My body..! My head!! No no m'lady! I am going to be fine!

Hyde: Foolish fool! Let me have gander of that maiden~

Jekyll: Damn you Hyde! You're willing to scare her!

Hyde: Me? Scaring her? Hahahaha~!

Jekyll: She's running off! You're going to terrify her!

Hyde: By the damned of my fiery heart. I am willing to make this lovely princess helpless by my grasp and the forbidden pleasures.

Jekyll: No!!

Hyde: Yes!! Hahahahaha~! It's my turn to play~!

Hyde: M'lady M'lady~! Where could you be~? I can smell the lavender from the tea you just drank~! Come out come out where ever you are...

You can run from me but you can't hide away from Edward Hyde~! *laughs evilly* Hmm where ever could you be M'lady. Could you be hiding under the bed? No? Perhaps hiding underneath some furniture. Huh? Hahahaha...oh what a fun game we are playing! A children's game of hide and seek. Except when I catch my princess. This predator will hunt down his prey! *chuckles*

Huh~? I heard something. Could it be my little princess~? *sighs softly and chuckles* M'lady, you're not making this easy for me huh? You want me to continue this wild goose chase til I find you.

When I catch you, think about all the fun things I could possibly do to you. Maybe..a dangerous game we could play. A game that can make your spine shiver. A game that can give you pleasurable tingles on your skin. Or maybe a game that'll make you go out of your mind. Oh just thinking about it makes me more powerful in finding you. Just to let you know..I can smell the fresh lavender on you. So I'm following the path of scent. The stronger it gets..the closer...and closer...and closer I am getting.

Aha! I found you! *giggles evilly* Oh no no no, you can't get away from me. You may never escape from me. *whispers* You can be my fun little plaything. You would want that...wouldn't you~? Oh? What's that? You're not resisting! Hahahaha~! It's almost like I casted a spell on you! Making you feel so helpless! Aww? What's with that cute expression on your face? Does my little princess want me so badly? Is that what it is? Hmm? *kisses neck softly* your skin...it feels so soft and warm~ *chuckles and huffs a little*

M'lady? Shall we play this dangerous game~?

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