14| Waffles and All Those Other Breakfasty Delights

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Clay breathed out and smiled. "I remember."

"Lucky for you, I'm hungry as shit. I need a thick breakfast, and I'm sure there's a place nearby. If you're into waffles and all those other breakfasty delights."

"I'm a big fan of breakfasty delights."

I grinned. "Then why don't we enjoy some together? I always drive by a Village Inn, and it's not a long walk. Let me just throw my bag in my car. If you're okay with that?"

"I'm more than okay with that," Clay said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I hurried over to my car to toss my duffle bag in and then ran back over to the sidewalk to join Clay, who was just standing there waiting for me. To be honest, I had been planning on going back to the apartment and ordering a shit ton of food to my room, but Clay's surprised appearance elated me. We'd only just made our deal the other night, and I wasn't expecting to see him so soon after. I'd have to thank Logan for the push.

"Come on," I said, nodding ahead, "it's probably only a 5-minute walk."

Clay walked in step beside me, both of us with our hands in our pockets. It was hot as hell today, but I liked it. I liked the warmth after my cold shower, and simultaneously, I liked walking beside Clay. It was new. Refreshing. And that was exactly what I needed in my life at the moment. It was why I moved across the country in the first place: to figure my shit out and get a change of scenery. Maybe Clay had been a slight part of my scenery in Newport for a couple of days, but he hadn't been a permanent one. This was still new, and a good kind.

It reminded me that I hadn't told Alex or Jesse about any of this. I hadn't caught them up on the situation with Zach showing up, my friendship with Cayden, the prospect of Clay, and my possibly regrettable text to Alexander.

Yeah, I wasn't gonna dwell on that last factor too much at the moment.

There was a Village Inn just 5 minutes from the UGA campus, which was fucking amazing. Village Inn was everything to me. Clay and I walked in and the host sat us down at a booth in the corner of the restaurant next to a window. I could see the entire campus outside the window, and it was pretty fucking stunning. If I were an in-person-class type of guy, I'd probably love walking around that campus and spending free time there.

I didn't hesitate opening the menu and looking down every page with hungry eyes.

"I could demolish half of this menu," I said. "Throw all of it into one big bowl, and let this pig run wild."

Clay chuckled. "You're that hungry?"

I looked up and met his gaze, grinning. "You have no idea just how hungry I am. I could probably eat you if I felt like it."

Clay's eyes widened, his cheeks turning red. "Please don't eat me." I grinned wider at his reaction.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you," I said, picking up the menu again and smirking. "Not like that, anyway."

Clay cleared his throat and the waitress walked over to take our order. I was still planning on pigging out quite a bit, but I settled for a huge V.I.B. with Belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, extra bacon, hash browns, and a bagel on the side. Of course, all complete with a sugary caramel coffee. Clay ordered a plate of strawberry crêpes and hot chocolate, and then the menus were taken away and it really was just the two of us.

I leaned forward with my elbows propped on the table. "Tell me," I said, "what do you do on your days off?"

Clay shrugged. "Anything from... grocery shopping to hanging out with anyone who isn't busy to having rom-com movie marathons."

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