Chapter forty-five🌈

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When I told Jin at work about Namjoon asking me out on a date, he told me we had to go shopping for clothes for me but I also think it's an excuse for baby shopping too when I already have so much at home.

Namjoon and I were speaking late last night about a few things and we decided that if everything goes well after this date, tomorrow night, which I know it will because it's Namjoon, that we will turn my bedroom into a room for the baby which wouldn't take long since Namjoon says he has a vision to what the room would look like and I just agreed with him. I don't mind what the room looks like and if he wants to do that then I'll leave him to it. He can do what he wants.

As predicted at this mall I was dragged from baby shop to baby shop and Jin was talking to me about what to expect with Namjoon on dates. I didn't mind it and I found it quite useful information to be honest. Come to think of it Namjoon and I haven't been on an actual date before, not like this. We've been out to eat as friends and with other people with us too but not like a date, date. It wouldn't be much difference right?

I mean there use to be people comment on Namjoon and I's behaviour when we use to just eat with just the two of us as friends but this is a little different this time.

"Now woman, let's go get yourself something to wear." Jin

He tugged on my hand and led the way to a women's clothing shop but suddenly came to a stop abruptly in the middle of the mall.

"Hey, do you know where Namjoon is taking you for this date? Or at least any clues?" Jin

I shook my head up at him and he sighs heavily, taking out his own phone and began to flick through it.

"This wont do. Give me a minute, I'm going to phone him. He should know to always give a clue on what to wear before a date, have I taught him nothing?" Jin

He brought the phone to his ear and smiled at him, tapping his foot with his one hand also filled with bags. Jin has been carrying most of the bags since he insisted but when it came to the last two, I insisted on carrying these two bags that I have in my hand. I didn't want to use him like a camel carrying my things around the mall even if he insisted.

"Ah!! Joon!! Now this date you and Y/n are going on, what is the dress code?" Jin

He speaks and turns around to step away while I laugh lightly and stay rooted in my place watching Jin talk to Namjoon on the phone, pacing back and forth.

I just turned in my spot, looking around at all the people in the mall doing the same thing as I am anf that was shopping obviously.


I heard someone shouting my name but I couldn't see anyone. I stepped on my tippy toes looking around for someone that stood up until I noticed Hoseok jumping up and down waving his arms in the air at me with Yoongi also walking along side him, both men heading my way.

"Y/n, how are you?" Hoseok

He asks as he approached me and gave me a quick yet soft hug.

"I'm fine Hoseok, thank you. What about you two?"

I asked both of them, also to look at Yoongi so he knew that the question was also meant for him too. Yoongi just shrugged with his one bag in hand and Hoseok stepped back just a little to give me some space.

"I'm fine." Yoongi

"We're great thanks! By the way are you shopping by yourself?" Hoseok

He lightly frowns when he asks, looking around the place but he must of not spotted Jin because of the crowd of people.

"Nope, I'm with Jin."

I smiled at pointed at Jin over my shoulder. Looking in Jins direction did Jin turn our way and smile and wave at Yoongi and Hoseok before going back to his conversation with Namjoon.

"Ah okay then." Hoseok

"So more baby shopping then?" Yoongi

He asks eyeing up my bags in my hand and I sheepishly nod.

"Yeah. What can I say, I can't resist baby clothes when I see them."

Yoongi chuckles and Hoseok peers down at my bags curiously.

"Well I guess you cant get enough baby clothes since they grow too fast." Yoongi

Oh I know that which is why I plan on savouring every minute of the baby. I'm very excited and I just want the baby to come out now.

"You'll see for yourself Y/n." Hoseok

He giggles, lightly nudging me but not too hard obviously. I laughed at him but when a sudden question comes to mind I cant help but think of something else.

"So how is Jimin? I've texted him but he hasn't gotten back to me."

Both Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged looks which worried me a little but when Yoongi smiles at me I felt more relieved.

"He's okay, just been very busy. The children he has in his group for ages between five and twelve are actually practising to be in a competition so he's been busy going through it all with them." Yoongi

Well that's news to me.

"Oh? I didn't know that, he didn't tell me."

"It probably slipped his mind Y/n. He's been pretty stressed about it but he'll be fine and I'm sure he'll text you back. It's not like Jimin to ignore anyones texts." Hoseok

"Well unless you piss him off." Yoongi

Yoongi snickers with a grin and Hoseok playfully pushes him backwards.

"So he'll text me back then?"

I asked Hoseok and he nods with a giggle.

"Yes he'll text you back. If he would text anyone back it would be you." Hoseok

"So what are we talking about over here?" Jin

He now joins in the conversation, sticking his phone into his pocket in all smiles.

"Just about Jimin texting me back."

I smiled back up at Jin who scoffed.

"Please woman even I could tell you that Jimin would text you back. Like I told you earlier he's probably just busy." Jin

"Well he is." Yoongi

Jin glances at Yoongi for a moment and then returns his sights back to me.

"See, I told you he would be. Now we have to go dress shopping." Jin

A dress?

Good luck to trying to find a dress with my pregnant belly.

"Hey don't look like that woman. You'll be perfect wearing a dress with your pregnant belly." Jin

"Oh a dress? Whats the occasion?" Hoseok

I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off my an excited Jin who you would of thought was going on the date instead of me.

"Y/n and Namjoon are going on a date!" Jin

Both Yoongi and Hoseok had their eyes grow wide in shock and Hoseok let out a joyous laugh.

"Finally! Well I hope you both have fun with that. Anyway we'll leave you two, to it but let us know who it goes." Hoseok

"Yeah sure. I'll see you's later."

"Bye Y/n." Yoongi

He waves just like Hoseok does also as they begin to walk away from Jin and I.

"Bye guys!" Jin

Jin and I waved at the two before turning away from them.

"Now we need to go to ta different shop, this shop wont do anymore. We need dresses." Jin

I sighed as Jin tugged on my sleeve in another direction for dress shopping. I swear I wont look good in a dress right now, but that would mean that Namjoon told him that I needed to wear a dress so where exactly are we going for this date?

Homosexual bestie जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें