Chapter twenty-seven 🌈

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"What the fuck!?" Jin

I flinched at his sudden out burst and looked at him with shock he too was shocked judging by his mouth hanging open.

"Jin pleas-"

"I thought you said you two haven't had sex?!" Jin

Hoseok immediately jumped into action and grabbed Jin by the shoulders giving both Jimin and I an apologetic look.

"Woah! Okay Jin I think these two need a moment." Hoseok

I looked at Jimin who was sitting down lowering his head to look at the ground, his elbows rested on his knees. I felt extremely bad right now.

"Fine, but Y/n this is not over." Jin

I nodded at him but kept my sights on Jimin listening to the two other men leave the room and close the door to give us some privacy.

There was silence in the room between the two of us. It wasn't uncomfortable just tense already knowing where this whole conversation is going to go.

"Jimin I-"

"No, it's okay Y/n. It's fine. Congratulations by the way." Jimin

He chuckles more like he was trying to bring up the mood, sitting up his chair and turning to look my way.

"Thank you."

I whispered but I knew he heard it when he passed me a light smile that I could tell he was forcing. I started to fiddle with my fingers because of how nervous I became.

"So are you going to keep it? I mean I wouldn't think you wouldn't but I just thought I'd ask." Jimin

He shrugged as he asked the question and to be honest I didn't have a second thought about wanting an abortion, that was not on the cards.

"Well I mean, yeah. I want to keep it. Even if Namjoon doesn't think it's his right now but I'll try to talk to him about it."

"Yeah. I had no idea he would act like that but I guess it's understandable why he would think it's mine." Jimin

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Listen Jimin, now that I'm pregnant with someone's else baby I don't think its fair on you so I think we should, perhaps..."

I didn't want to finish it because in all honesty I did have a good time with Jimin, I wasn't really ready to break up with him anytime soon but this unfair to him and we cant go on like this.

"Break up? Yeah I kind of thought we'd end up having this conversation after the doctor revealed your news." Jimin

I would be lying if I said that this didn't hurt because it did. Jimin and I became very close and I think if our relationship had gone on for longer I defiantly would of fallen for him, hard because I already have some love towards him its just I still have that greater love for Namjoon and I couldn't feel any more guilty for it.

"I'm so sorry Jimin."

My voice cracked and he noticed taking my hand in his as he sighs sadly.

"It was great while it lasted though but you cant get rid of me that easily." Jimin

He grins at me wiggling his eyebrow and I grew confused.

"What do you mean?"

HIs head tilts to the side a little now amused by my confusion.

"It means we may over romantically but I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you need me as friends." Jimin

I sighed in relief, thank god for that.

Homosexual bestie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora