Chapter Thirty-two 🌈

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I was shocked to hear what that woman said to Namjoon.

It cant be true, I seen the way she was looking at Y/n before she told Namjoon that she's pregnant. She's got to be lying.

Upon hearing those words, Namjoon froze at the door, becoming stiff like a board while Y/n gasped loudly that almost broke into a cry immediately breaking Namjoon out of his frozen state hearing Y/n let out a sob. I reached out to her hand but before I could touch her she ran, pushing past Hyuna as she did so but what shocked me was that Namjoon ran after her.

He didn't care that some woman that he's seen once before came to their shared home and announced she was having his baby. He cared about Y/n and how she felt about hearing it because as much as he tries to deny it he knows how Y/n feels about him even now after trying to push her away.

I stood at the door with the disgusted woman, I could tell she was by the way she watched Namjoon run after Y/n so desperately calling her name, running after her towards the staircase. I didn't want to be left with this woman as I already hate her, I usually have a good sense of judgement when it comes to people and her, she's just a stain adding more trouble than needed. What's the bet she's only after Namjoons money, well his fathers money because when the time is right Namjoon is due to take over his fathers business.

"Are you happy with yourself?"

I couldn't help but ask her but she turns her head so fast still scrunching up her face with disgust even when she looks at me.

"What?" Hyuna

I rolled my eyes at her attitude.

"I said are you happy with yourself? Namjoon barely knows you and you come here pretending to be pregnant with his baby. When the real mother of his child just ran out the building."

Hyunas eyes lit up with not only shock but amusement with a smirk crawling across her face. I can never hit a woman, I remind myself, I can never hit a woman.

"Oh really? Well I'll have you know I am pregnant I have proof to show Joonie when he comes back from chasing that troll." Hyuna

I could almost lung at her right now but stop myself in mid step grabbing onto the door handle in bid to stop myself. How dare she?!

"Okay for you one! You have no right to call Namjoon Joonie, as I've stated before you only met him once before. An two...."

I take one step forward towards her, closing that gap from between us, to stare her down with a dark look in my eyes all while I try to keep my anger at bay and not touch her. I cant hit a woman.

"The only troll here is you love, a money grabbing slut. I know one when I see one and I'm telling you right now, I smell something fishy and it's not your dirty cum stained panties I'm only smelling here, it's you. You're a stain that will be removed one way or another and I will expose you. So for the mean time get use to seeing my beautiful face love, because I'll be sticking around a lot more than you think." Jin

I winked at her, almost bursting into fits of giggles at her mouth gaping open from shock and yet fear at how intimidating I tired to be. It worked since she couldn't look me in the eye nor say anything further. So with a chuckle from myself and I took the step back from her with such joy after letting her know I wont take her shit and I will prove she's lying.

More minutes passed by and I could only think that Namjoon caught up with Y/n but I hope she tell him that she is the one pregnant with his child and not this slut that awkwardly stands in front of me. Why cant she just leave already?

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