Twenty-six 🌈

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Sudden whispers filled my ears as blackness covered my vision. I have this massive headache but no longer feels as sick as I once was.

The two whispers I recognise the voices straight away. Jimin and Namjoon.

I can't quite make our words just yet but I know it's them, that was until I could hear their words clearly to confirm my thoughts.

"Why won't the doctor tell us what's wrong with her?" Namjoon

"I don't know he just said that it's something he needs to discuss with y/n." Jimin

"I hope it's not anything serious. You sure you didn't poison her?" Namjoon

An offended gasp came from Jimin on my left side while I heard Namjoon on my right.

"You think I would seriously harm her in any way? That's low Namjoon." Jimin

Namjoons sighs heavily and I felt his hand reach out to my own.

"I'm sorry. I know it's not that, she's been ill all week but she wouldn't let me take her to see a doctor." Namjoon

"Well the doctor knows what's wrong with her now we just have to wait until she wakes up." Jimin

I shifted a little on the bed, suddenly becoming uncomfortable. The lights were shining on me and my headache was starting to disappear, thank god!

With fluttering eyes I managed to finally open my eyes and blink a few times to readjust to the light above me as I Lay down in what looks like a hospital bed.

I'm in hospital again. Just great.

"Y/n are you okay?" Namjoon

"How are you feeling?" Jimin

They both asked at the very same time, Jimin standing and Namjoon sitting on the chair but I was too light headed to even respond but still to blink a few times instead.

"Ah, I see I've come just at the right time." Doctor

He comes scrolling in all smiles, brown hair pushed back, his glasses hanging off the bridge of his nose.
The doctors come to stand at the end of my bed picking up the clipboard at the bottom that would hold all my medical information.

"Is she okay? Why isn't she talking?" Namjoon

The doctor raises a brow at Namjoon then to me, opening the the files without looking at them.

"Y/n can you talk?" Doctor

He asks me and I nod.

"Y-yeah. Sorry I've still got a headache."

The doctor nods back flicking over a page in the file.

"That's still normal until the medication sets in. It's only been ten minutes so it'll kick in at any moment now." Doctor

That's when I noticed it's the same doctor I had before when I was last in here when I had my allergic reaction to cinnamon.

"I no longer feel sick though."

The doctor nods.

"That's very good. We had to medicate you to stabilise your nausea and when your discharged I'll have to prescribe you with diclegis tablets that is to be taken twice a day to help with the morning sickness." Doctor

He smiles and then looks back down at the charts. What does he mean by morning sickness?

"Morning sickness? Doctor what are you talking about?" Jimin

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