Chapter fifteen 🌈

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~Y/n POV~

I'm so excited for my trip away with Jimin. I've never been to Hawaii but I'm looking forward to the hot weather and beautiful scenery it has to offer. Not to mention the fact that Jimin will ask me to be his girlfriend. I haven't told him I know but I want to see how he does it. Hoseok told me he can be very romantic when it comes to stuff like that so another thing to be excited about.

Namjoon however worries me. He's become very quiet and doesn't hang out, much in the living room with us except for every now and again. I can't help but think he's sad about me going away for a week but he doesn't have to worry, I'll be back.

I already had my suitcase half packed and I was in the middle of finishing it when I heard Namjoon come home from work.

"Joonie is that you?"

It had to be him, he's not exactly quiet when he comes home.

"Yeah it's me. I'm gonna change and then I'll come to see you." Namjoon

He sounds tired yet, sad.

"Is everything okay?"

I asked him while I fold a pair of shorts and place them in my suitcase. He sighed from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, well, (sigh) no actually, I'm not okay. Could I talk to you in a couple minutes?" Namjoon

"Of course. You can talk to me about anything Joonie. Just come in when your ready I'm just packing."

He hummed and I listen to him open his bedroom door and shut it again. He sounds so sad, it hurts to know he's upset about something. Maybe if he just talks to me it'll help him feel better if he does. I just hope it's not about me going away tomorrow, it would put a damper on the night before I go away when I was planning on ordering a takeaway and watching his favourite films, just the two of us.

I went to my bathroom and packed up a make up bag with of course my make up and then some deodorant and some perfume to put all in my suitcase as well as toiletries. That will all be needed for a week away.

Once I packed my things up I was all done, now zipping up the suitcase to place it on the floor. Just as I did there was a knock on the door and it slowly opened at the same time.

"Ah! Joonie just in time I finished packing."

I smiled down at my suitcase to then look back at him frowning down at my suitcase to then look back at me.

"Can we talk now please?" Namjoon

"Yeah, come on let's sit on my bed."

I grabbed his hand and led him to my bed. He seems nervous when he but his lip and looked down at our hands entwined together.

"I can tell there's something wrong with you Joonie. You've been acting distant the past week."

He chuckled but a smile didn't appear on his lips.

"It's that obvious is it?" Namjoon

"Yes it is now tell me what's up? You said you wanted to talk and you know you can tell me anything."

He furrowed his brows together.

"Even if it might affect our friendship?" Namjoon

Well that caught me off guard. Nothing can ruin our friendship. We've gone through too much together over the years to throw it all away and he'll we even had sex and it never changed anything between us.

"Oh course it won't. Nothing would ruin it, we're besties and we've even had sex and it didn't affect anything between us."

He slowly looks up from our hands. He's not his cheery self right now which worries me.

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