Chapter fifty-two🌈

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I thought since I wasn't busy and being at home all the time was boring enough that I would take little Hanuel to my work place to see everyone. It's a Tuesday night and that's usually a quiet day in the restaurant especially around the morning.

Namjoon had already left to work early this morning like he usually does for work so I'm use to that now, it just leaves Hanuel and I to do whatever so a trip to the restaurant is needed. Plus it gets us out the flat for a while. I would go surprise Namjoon but from what he told me last night he has a busy day with meetings and such so it sucks but that doesn't mean I cant take Hanuel to visit him another day when he doesn't expect it.

My dad is in the office in the restaurant today so it'll be a surprise for him too.

I walked to the restaurant. I didn't mind since it's not so bad of a walk when its a nice day and luckily it was. The skies were blue with just a few white clouds here and there, it was nice and not too cold either. I had Hanuel in a carrier that was strapped onto my front so he could see everyone around him but I made sure he had a little hat on him to protect his head in case he did feel a chill since he is a baby and more likely to feel the cold than I would. But he liked seeing everything around him, and his little eyes wondered around to everything around him, taking everything in the big world.

Entering the restaurant a few other workers there noticed me straight away and gushed over my son who was oblivious to what was going on around him when it came to the strange people. Just wait until he sees Jin, that's when he started to cause a stir of excitement.

I said hi to everyone and caught up with them but I didn't want to keep them from their work so I headed to the back of the kitchen but also wondered why I hadn't seen Taehyung yet. Usually he's out and about the main floor, serving people since he is a very good waiter with his charms and looks. But pushing that thought a side I entered the kitchen just to see Jins back to me as he was stirring something in a pan while Jungkook noticed me first and rushed over to me with a large bunny smile of his, bouncing on the spot to see Hanuel with me.

"Oh my god, Y/n! Hi!" Jungkook

I laughed at him and said hi back as he started making silly faces at Hanuel. Jin hearing Jungkook say my name turned around with gasp and abandoned what every it was he was making and quickly came over as fast as his legs could allow him in a kitchen that was almost empty but I know usually at this time its jin and Jungkook for now and the other kitchen staff will come in the next hour or so. I know this place all too well like on the back of my hand.

"How's my little chubby monkey?" Jin

He came over to pinch Hanuels cheeks, something he loves to do and now Hanuel began to stir with a whine because he wanted Jin to pick him up and play with him. I swear every time my son sees Jin all he wants to do is play. I guess Jin will be known as the fun uncle.

"Well hello to you too Jin."

I laughed but he waved at me with eyes set on Hanuel like always and I unstrapped the baby and Jin didn't waste any time in taking him from me and spin with the boy in his arms.

"What are you doing here Y/n?" Jungkook

I shrugged at him, taking my eyes off Jin with my son but stil equally smiling.

"Just thought that Hanuel and I could do with a little trip out to see everyone. I hate being stuck at home doing nothing all day."

Jungkook giggles but nods ad if he understood what I was talking about. Looking around the kitchen I see that Taehyung isn't here either.

"Hey Jungkook, where is Taehyung?"

I asked him carefully but Jungkook only smiled yet again to my question watching Jin start making funny noises with Hanuel to try and get him to laugh. Jin hasn't heard Hanuel laugh yet but every since I told him that Namjoon made him laugh by making funny noises, Jin has been determined to hear it too.

"Taehyungs not in today because he's actually with Namjoon. They're discussing somethings and Taehyung is also speaking on behalf of me too. I didn't want to leave Jin alone in the kitchen." Jungkook

My lips shaped in to a large O as I realised what was going on. Namjoon already spoke to me about this before and to be honest I was more than okay with it. It was about Jungkook and Taehyung using their hacking and computer skills and what ever else they do for the benefit of the company Namjoons father still owns but Namjoon is working himself up there, he's just so close.

"Is that my daughter I hear through here?" Dad

I perked up hearing my dads voice just before he entered the kitchen. I smiled at him and walked over to him to give him a hug. Its been at least two weeks since I seen him, since we're both really busy but he welcomes the hug but only pulls apart when he sees Hanuel with Jin.

"Wow, it shows how much two weeks makes much of a difference. He's getting bigger." Dad

I nodded in agreement, watching Hanuel smile up at Jin, his small hands on Jins face but Jin was getting frustrated that Hanuel wouldn't laugh but he kept a smile upon his face for Hanuel. My phone started to ring and I took it out my pocket just to walk to the side of the kitchen leaving my dad to go approach Jin and my son while Jungkook watches from the side lines.

I checked the caller ID and seen it was Namjoon. I accepted the call and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hey Joonie!"

"Hi Y/n how's my two favourite people doing?" Namjoon

I giggled a little bit and glance back over to everyone from over my shoulder. Jin was in the middle of passing Hanuel to my dad.

"We're good, just visiting my dad and everyone at work. What about you? Hows your meeting with Taehyung?"

I smirked to myself and I heard him gasp on the other side of the line.

"How di-Wait, Jungkook told you didn't he?" Namjoon

"Yep, but its okay. I already told you I was fine with it Namjoon."

I heard him sigh and some movement and scuffles of paper.

"I know, I know but I called you to ask you something. No, not ask tell you something and you cant say no." Namjoon

This peaked my interest.

"Oh? What is it then?"

"Im taking you out tonight. Just dress nice, I already had Taehyung go back to our place and drop off something for you to wear and before you even mention it, my mom is taking Hanuel for the whole night. There's no worries." Namjoon

This certainly was a surprised and Namjoon and I haven't had a moment alone since before Hanuel was born and I do love surprises.

"I'm already excited then. I wonder what you have planned."

"Well you'll have to wait and see wont you. Anyway I have to get going but my mom will be at our place in two hours to pick up Hanuel for the night and then you are mine for the rest of that night." Namjoon

I didn't miss the way he growled the word 'mine' which could only mean he has something in mind to do later on and yet I couldn't wait for that.

"Okay then. I'll see you when you get home."

"You most defiantly will babe." Namjoon

I laughed again and we said our goodbyes and I hung up to put my phone back in my pocket and turn back around to everyone. My dad had Hanuel in his arms who was more interested in my dads watch than anything else. Jungkook was on his phone texting someone from the opposite side of the kitchen but when I look at Jin he's staring at me with a smirk upon his face. It seemed mischievous somehow, I didn't trust it since Jin is a man who always has a reason to either his strange behaviour or to his actions. Always, so it makes me think what he's up to.

But more importantly, I was excited about this sudden date night, a free baby date night.

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