Last chapter🌈

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six years later

Hanuel was now six years old and time couldn't of gone by quicker as so much as changed in our lives. For the better if you ask me.

Today we were just having a family barbeque in the back garden with everyone we know and love here to join us. It's something we like to do at least once a month since everyone is so busy with their own lives, it's good to catch up with everyone once in a while.

We are one big family after all.

I was in the kitchen at the moment, we had ran out of drinks and so I needed to fetch some more plastic cups to fill them up with more drinks. Mostly soft drinks since there's children running around so no one wanted to start drinking until at least a little later in the evening but Namjoon made sure that this time there was plenty of alcohol for everyone this time as the last barbeque we had we ran out pretty quickly. Lucky for everyone else they get to drink where as I can't, not for at least another three months. I'm pregnant again with another boy but this time it will be our forth and final child. It was a shock really since this child wasn't planned but we decided this would be the last and currently we were in talks about either myself getting my tubes tied or Namjoon getting the snip. It's still in debate so nothing's fully decided yet.

Speaking of Namjoon he was actually suppose to be helping me with the drinks but our two year old daughter came in saying she wanted her Dad to help her go to the bathroom. So Namjoon, being Namjoon and not being able to resist saying no to his one and only little girl he took her to the bathroom and they've been in there ever since. I'm actually almost done and I will be by the time he comes back.

"Hey isn't Namjoon suppose to be helping you?"

I heard Jimins voice come in carrying his own little two year old in his arms. The same little girl that bore every feature of her father which her mother, my cousin Eunji didn't really like considering she was hoping their child would resemble her more.

"He had to take Nani to the bathroom."

He nodded and walked into the kitchen still carrying his daughter who couldn't help but have her eyes roam around the kitchen as if looking for something.

"I can help you if you want?" Jimin

I shook my head and laughed a little as I finished pouring the last of the juice in the last plastic cup.

"No that's okay Jimin but thank you anyway. You seem to be having your hands full at the moment."

I gestured to the child in his arms to which he glanced at her but only to chuckle and set her down to stand on her own feet but she took off running through the back door again and outside to join everyone else.

"Aerum was actually looking for Nani but I guess she changed her mind now." Jimin

He scratched the top of his head watching his daughter now run to Haneul and his five year old brother Taehyun.

Funny story how our second son, was called Taehyun. It was more of a thank you to Taehyung since the day I gave birth to him I was actually spending the day with Taehyung while out having lunch while Namjoon was at work and my dad actually was looking after Hanuel for the day. Long story short, I went into labour early and well I ended up giving birth to Taehyun in Taehyung's car with his assistance. So in the end Taehyung helped me to deliver my son in the back seat of his car and in the end got his wish that one of my children would be named after him kind of. He never lets Jungkook live it down now even after five years.

"By the way I think Aerum has a small crush on Taehyun." Jimin

I heard him say as he approached the kitchen island to stand across from me.

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