Chapter thirty-four🌈

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A little baby shopping wouldn't do any harm right?

It certainly got my mind off Namjoon since other than the baby he's all I think about since it's been almost two months since I've seen him.

We've texted though so we haven't lost complete contact, but today I was a little down so Jin and Jimin decided to take me out shopping for the day to cheer me up.

Yesterday I had an doctors appointment and I got to find out if I was having a boy or a girl. So yesterday I was over the moon to find out I was having a boy!

Though today I felt down in the dumps because the memory of Namjoon not around due to my own fault hit me hard. So today we were shopping.

The only people that know the baby's gender is myself, Jimin and Jin. I planned on telling everyone else soon.

Jin was dragging me from shop to shop and not to mention I needed a few extra clothes too. Maternity clothes since I've already began to show and it's getting much harder to fit into my clothes that I already have. One of the things about pregnancy which sucks.

With all the shopping I became hungry so we stopped for something to eat in the malls food court and there was too much to choose from so I had a variety amount of different things. Jin copies me though and used the excuse of saying he didn't want me to feel bad about eating all that food to myself and Jimin also helped himself too so you could imagine the amount of food that was on our table. An elderly couple even commented on the amount of food we had as they laughed but Jin had to point out that I was pregnant and then the couple proceeded to congratulate the two of thinking we were the couple.

We didn't correct them but laughed after the couple left. We didn't see the point in correcting them if we don't know them.

After we finished our food Jimin spotted a little cute baby boutique so we headed towards that cute little shop with the baby clothes hanging on display in the window allow with baby shoes and other things. It looked cute so we made our way there but only to stop in our tracks when we seen a certain woman clinging onto a mans arm that bore a frustrated yet tired face.

"Oh look Joonie!! It's your friends!!" Hyuna

I rolled my eyes and with a heavy sigh and stayed close to my two friends as they two stepped closer to me.

"Stop calling me Joonie. I've told you that already." Namjoon

He groans when Hyuna drags him by the arm over to us. I don't know why I was surprised to see them together since I did tell him to look after her since she's homeless and he did. Jin told me she moved in but to stay in his room while he sleeps on the couch. He won't let anyone sleep in my room.

"I thought I smelled trash." Jin

He scrunched up his nose in disgust and I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing at her shocked and repulsed reaction. Jimin also stifled a laugh and turned his head to look away while Namjoon was unbothered by the comment.

"Namjoon are you gonna let him talk to me like that?!" Hyuna

She smacks his chest and he looks at her dead serious and shakes her head.

"I don't care Hyuna. Just go to the car." Namjoon

"But.." hyung

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