What's with Liam lying to me about everything? Was eating their food a crime or he didn't want me to finish the food and then leaving the rest of the boys with nothing to eat? For goodness sake, I'm not that bad. Suddenly, I'm feeling so infuriated by him.

I poured the chocolate milk into my bowl of cornflakes and brought it to the dining table. I eat a mouthful each time I scooped the cereal. Coming to the forth scoop, I heard footsteps and someone calling my name. "Cora? Cora?!" It was Liam. I stayed silent, not even bother to acknowledge him that I was in the kitchen, feeding myself with the food I wanted so badly since earlier on. The thought of Liam lying made me so furious that I didn't realized I dropped the spoon on the bowl of cereal, making loud sound.

It was too late to find a hiding place or anything because there stood Liam at the entrance of the kitchen, "Cora? You weren't in bed so I thought you went back to your room but I've checked and you wasn't there. What are you doing here?"

Oh, I'm just trying to iron some clothes here, can't you see? I thought of answering him like my mind planned but I didn't. "Eating," I answered simply.

"Right, you're hungry?" he asked while offering me a simple smile.

"No," I stated coldly. Isn't it so obvious? I won't be down here eating something that he had hide from me if I'm not hungry. I continued scooping the cereals into my mouth greedily while Liam still stood at the entrance of the kitchen, didn't bother to come towards me which I didn't mind. I know he must be feeling guilty for lying to me. Hmppff.

Liam's P.O.V

I placed Cora on the right side of my bed. I couldn't sleep seeing that Cora and I slept almost throughout Toy Story which was strange because I had never sleep during Toy Story. I went on twitter to check on the fans' mentions and our facebook fan page. Seeing Cora was soundly asleep and I doubt that she will wake up in any minute, I made my way to Harry's room to see his shopping achievements for the day and then to Niall to give him lectures for buying too many bags of chips. I went to Louis and Eleanor to take a look at her baby nephew and then decide where can the baby sleep so that it won't disturb their time alone. At the end, Harry offered to let Eleanor's baby nephew, Johnny, sleep with him. No doubt in trusting Harry, Johnny slept with Harry.

I went back to my room and Cora was still sleeping. She's such a heavy-sleeper. I got in the shower since I haven't had any this morning. I decide a long shower would be good but apparently my long couldn't be that long because I got out 10 minutes later and to my surprise, Cora wasn't in bed. I quickly put on a sweatpants, shirtless and went out to check on her in her room but in vain because there was no sign of her at all. Where could she be? Worried sneaked through me. I ran down the stairs while calling out her name but there was no answer. I was about to make my way out to the front porch when I heard noises from the kitchen.

I let out a sigh of relieve because there she was, silently eating in the kitchen, "Cora? You weren't in bed so I thought you went back to your room but I've checked and you wasn't there. What are you doing here?"

"Eating," she stated plainly. I slapped myself mentally. I saw her eating, she couldn't be sleep-walking, could she?

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