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Everything is just perfect the way it is.

Many months had passed by and your baby bumps can be seen growing on your stomach. You were quite excited today since you're going to get checked up on to see whether your baby is going to be a boy or a girl.

You laid still on the bed, letting the royal doctor do his work while you try your best to hold in your excitement. You don't care if it's a boy or a girl, you were just super excited to hear of the result later on.

Jin, the boys, Rina and others waited anxiously once again behind the door. Some hoped it's a boy and some hoped for a girl. Jin was just like you. He couldn't care less of its gender, he only cares of the health of you and his baby.

"I bet it's going to be a boy" Taehyung said with confidence.

"Hmm.. but I think it's going to be a girl though" Hoseok said.

"What makes you both think that?" Jimin asks them.

"No reasons... just a feeling of course" They both answered at the same time.

"Well.. I know I'm not a doctor or anything but I have the same feeling as Taehyung" Namjoon said.

"Really hyung? But I'm having the same feeling as Hoseok-hyung" Jungkook said.

"Honestly, I'm just genuinely confused as to why we were assuming the baby's gender already" Yoongi scoffed.

"Yes, I'm on sir Yoongi's side" Rina giggled.

"Let's just wait and see everyone" Jimin sighed as the four of them began bickering about the baby's gender.

Jin heard of their conversation and he just chuckled at them arguing.

A half and hour had gone by in a blink of an eye and the result is going to be revealed soon. Once the doctor stepped out of you and Jin's room, he fixed his glass and gave Jin a delightful smile.

"Your highness, it's a boy!" He cheered as he bowed down to Jin.

The whole castle was filled with loud shouts of joy and cheering. Taehyung and Namjoon smiled at Hoseok and Jungkook with their mocking smile while the two of them just shakes their head teasingly. Rina, Jimin and Yoongi just laughed at them. As for Jin, he just closes his eyes and let himself enjoy the moment of happiness.

"Thank you once again for your good work doctor" Jin said, contentment was heard in his voice as he shakes the doctor's hand.

The royal nurses guided you out of the room and when Jin sees you, he immediately ran over to your side and told the nurses that he will hold you instead. The nurses were a bit skeptical about this at first because he's a king but Jin was able to convinced them in the end.

From the day Jin knew you were pregnant to the day he knew of his baby's gender, he had always keep a look out on the both of you and always make sure you got enough rest and nutrition. He basically never leave your side. Sometimes he would leave his work halfway because he wanted to make sure you and his baby were doing okay. Even though you have Rina, the boys, Hyejin, maids and servants to look after you for almost 24 hours, he would still come around at least 6 times a day to be by your side. You didn't complain though, well, you kind of did most of the times because you thought he should be focused on his work and not on you so much but since he still insisted, you gave in and just let him be. And that routine of his goes on until the day you finally gave birth.

It was a hard moment for Jin, having to listen to your painful scream while trying to give birth. It was not what he wanted to hear because he know you were in so much pain. His heart was worried to the core. But of course, you delivered the baby safely in the end.

Right after Jin was given the permission to go in and see you and the baby, he instantly rushed to your side first to check on you.

"How are you feeling right now? Are you alright? Is there any-" He speaks fast which shows how worrying he have been.

"Jin it's alright... I'm alright now don't worry" You giggled while trying to take in deep breaths.

He touched your head and gave you a light pat to ensure you that he will always be by you. He wiped away your tears and sweats with his bare hand, not afraid to get dirty. He held your hand tight and you realized how shaky his hands was.

"Jin.. I'm sorry for worrying you so much" You said as you held his hand tightly.

"It's not your fault okay? It's not.. I'm just very nervous that's all" He replied. Jin then, turned around to see his son after making sure you have calmed down.

The nurse handed Jin his son and he wrapped his arm around his baby carefully and gently.

"He's a very cute little guy.." Jin said while smiling to himself.

"Hey little one, this is your father.. he's here for you don't cry.."

"Now now.. do you want to see your mother? There she is"

You smiled at the sight of your husband happily sing around while holding you and his baby in his arms. It felt completed for some reason and you felt happiness all over again.

Jin then, laid the baby beside you. It seems as if this is all is too good to be true as you look at the baby next to you. But you felt it. The euphoria of this life.

"He looks a tad bit like you" You laughed as you look over to Jin.

"Well, a tad bit is obviously an understatement because he will of course, grow up looking as handsome as me" Jin praised himself proudly as he place his hand under his cheek to represent his good-looking face.

You laughed once again and said, "Alright, alright.. he will look like you in no doubt"

He gave you a loving smile in return and leaned in to kiss you, literally, right in front of everyone. You hit him playfully on his arm and everyone around just laughs at the sight.

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